Food Policy

DHSC: Further advertising restrictions for products high in fat, salt and sugar

The Department of Health and Social Care are seeking views on how the government can reduce children’s exposure to advertising for products that are high in fat, salt and sugar (HFSS), to reduce children’s overconsumption of these products.

DHSC want any future advertising restrictions to be focused on HFSS products that are linked to childhood obesity and to encourage brands to make their products healthier.

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DHSC: Restricting promotions of food and drink that is high in fat, sugar and salt

This consultation asks what you think about:

  • restricting volume-based price promotions of HFSS food and drink that encourage people to buy more than they need, for example, ‘buy one, get one free’ and free refills of sugary soft drinks
  • restricting the placement of HFSS food and drink at main selling locations in stores, such as checkouts, aisle ends and store entrances

This consultation also seeks your views on:

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Scottish Government: Improving Scotland’s diet

The Scottish Government has launched a consultation on restrictions on the promotion and marketing of “discretionary foods” such as cakes, confectionery and savoury snacks. The consultation proposes that restrictions would be introduced for the location of products in-store, the promotion of value, shelf-edge displays and signage, upselling, and having branded chillers and floor display units. The consultation also proposes to restrict multi-buy price promotions, however, price marked packs would still be allowed.

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Food Standards Agency: Food Law Code

The Food Standards Agency has launched a consultation on amendments to the Food Law Code of Practice (Code) for England as part of its Regulating Our Future programme to change the process of food business registration, make changes to the application of the Food Establishment Intervention Rating Scheme, and recognise national inspection strategies.

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London – Draft Food Strategy

The Mayor of London has launched on their draft Food Strategy. The strategy sets out the Mayor’s priorities and commitments on promoting good food at home, good food shopping and eating out, and good food for the environment.

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Scottish Government – Welfare Foods

The Scottish Government have launched a consultation on their proposals to integrate the system for Healthy Start Vouchers and the Sure Start Maternity Grant into a new combined system – the Best Start Grant.

If you would like more information on the submission, please contact [email protected] 

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