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Local Decision Makers – Local Councils

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How To Get Involved

Most parts of England have a two system of local councils made up of district, borough or city Councils and the County Council. Other parts of England have on unitary authority like London boroughs and metropolitan boroughs.

Your ward councilor is an important individual to engage with as they will vote on issues in main council and sub committees that could affect your business. It is important that your local councilors knows your business and the work you do in the community. You can found out about your local council on the Directgov Local Authority finder and you can find out who your local councilors are via

The council controls enforcement officers like the licensing team, environmental health team and trading standards teams. Part of these departments’ role is to advise businesses about compliance with the law so consider contacting them directly and inviting them in store. Your council website will host their contact details.


Case Study: Chaz Chahal, Village Store (Inkberrow, Worcestershire)



To support the opening of his new store in the centre of Inkberrow village and build connections with the local community Chaz arranged for local councillors to host a meet and greet with customers at the store. Councillors held a morning surgery at the store with the  opportunity to speak with customers about local issues.

Chaz said: “The meet and greet was a great way to show the store as a hub of the community but also for us to get to know our local councillors. At the earliest stages of buying the store I have kept the councillors up to date on the development of the store and this has paid dividends in terms of a close working

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