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Local Engagement – The Case For Convenience

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The convenience sector generates over £37bn annually in sales through an estate of over 51,000 stores. Convenience stores (75% of which are run by independent retailers) employ over 407,000 people, providing flexible work for people of all ages and social demographics.

stores and jobs

According to the ACS Community Barometer (2016), Post Offices and Convenience Stores are the two services that have the most positive impact on a local area. Many convenience stores will have Post Offices operating within them as part of their wider service offering. The Community Barometer polled the opinions of consumers, retailers and local councillors.

community Barometer

Convenience stores are also highly active in their communities, with the ACS Local Shop Report (2015) reporting that on average, 83% of independent  retailers across the UK have engaged in some form of community activity over the last year.

The most popular form of activity is collecting money for local or national charities, whether that be through a collection box on the till or through long term,
targeted fundraising projects, but there are a significant proportion of retailers that are directly engaged with community events.

case for convenience

Making The Case For Your Store

You should consider what information you can share with your community about the contribution that you make to the local area. This information is invaluable to help you reflect on the work you are doing locally and understand what more you can do.

Do not assume that the local community knows how many people you employ, how much you pay in business rates, how much you have invested to make your offer better and how much you support community activity. Presenting these facts to the right people in your community can make real differences to how your business is perceived locally.

Click here for a printable version of the document (pictured right) which allows you to fill in the sheet with details about your store in order to the case for your business locally.

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