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ACS Gives Evidence on More Frequent Business Rate Revaluations

ACS Gives Evidence on More Frequent Business Rate Revaluations

ACS has given evidence to the Non-Domestic Rating Bill Committee, welcoming the move to more frequent revaluations on business rates.

The evidence session comes after the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government confirmed changes to the frequency of business rates valuations earlier this month. The next revaluation, previously scheduled for 2022, will be brought forward to 2021, with revaluations taking place every three years thereafter instead of the current five year period.

Speaking during the evidence session, ACS head of policy and public affairs Edward Woodall said: “We welcome the Government’s ambition to bring business rates valuations more closely in line with current property values. Moving to a three-year cycle for revaluations will provide more accurate valuations for thousands of businesses.”

The evidence session also asked questions about the check, challenge, appeal process that has been put in place to deal with businesses that do not believe their business rates valuations are accurate.

Mr Woodall continued: “Our members have shared frustrations about the capacity of the VOA to deal with appeals. While the intention of the new check, challenge, appeal system to reduce speculative appeals is a positive one, there are still many genuine appeals that cannot get through the system due to its complex nature.”

The full evidence session is available to watch below.


This entry was posted by Chloe on Tue, 25/06/2019 - 10:37
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