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ACS: Local Shops Play Vital Role in their Communities and the Economy

ACS: Local Shops Play Vital Role in their Communities and the Economy

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has submitted evidence to a government taskforce looking at business’ experiences with regulation, highlighting the vital role that local shops play in their lives of the communities that they serve and work to provide a range of services locally.

The Prime Minister instructed the Taskforce on Innovation, Growth and Regulatory Reform (TIGRR) to scope out and propose options for how the UK Government could reform regulations previously decided at an EU-level.

In the submission, ACS outlines a number of recommendations which would boost growth in the convenience sector, including:

  • reforming state aid rules to improve access to business rate reliefs
  • embedding rural impact assessments to ensure policy is suitable for rural communities
  • improving business experiences with regulation by supporting primary authority schemes and compliance tools

The aim of the taskforce is to encourage business growth, dynamism and minimise the burden of regulation. The taskforce will report directly to the Prime Minister and aims to improve how policy is made and support the post-pandemic economic recovery.

ACS chief executive James Lowman said: “Local shops play an essential role in the areas that they serve and to the overall economy and it is vital that the Government recognises the continued value and importance of the local shop.

“The recommendations in our submission would make a real and meaningful difference to convenience store operators by enabling investment and encouraging business development and growth.

Findings from ACS’ 2020 Local Shop Report show that convenience sector has generated £44.7bn in sales over the last year, contributing over £10.1bn in GVA.

The full submission is available here.

This entry was posted by Chloe on Thu, 08/04/2021 - 13:56
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