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Budget 2015 Reaction: Association of Convenience Stores

Budget 2015 Reaction: Association of Convenience Stores

The Association of Convenience Stores has responded to the Chancellor's 2015 Budget, welcoming key measures on alcohol duty and business rate relief. ACS chief executive James Lowman responded on the following topics: DUTY RATES: "The reductions in alcohol duty rates are a welcome measure, as alcohol is an important category in convenience stores. With lower duty rates alongside the Alcohol Wholesaler Registration Scheme and renewed focus from HMRC, we are at last seeing progress in tackling the damaging illegal alcohol trade." "Unfortunately, the further increase in tobacco duty will only serve to support criminals in the illicit market." EMPLOYMENT COSTS: "We are concerned that the Chancellor has again hinted at continuing with above inflation increases in the National Minimum Wage. These are not affordable for local shops." BUSINESS RATES: "In addition to the review of business rates announced earlier this week, the Chancellor has announced more local retention of business rates. We support this policy, but it has to be matched by more incentives for councils to give discretionary rate relief."

This entry was posted by Chris on Wed, 18/03/2015 - 13:47
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