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Flowchart on the operation of a deposit return scheme

Chief Executive's Blog: Nine Reflections on DRS Implementation So Far

The dust has settled a little on the postponement of Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme until October 2025, and the collapse of Circularity Scotland. Our Government Relations Director Ed Woodall has been at the heart of discussions on DRS in Scotland and across the UK, so I’m passing this blog to him to reflect on what we’ve learned and where we go next…

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Chief Executive's Blog: Observations from Stockholm

Chief Executive's Blog: Observations from Stockholm

Thanks to everyone who took part in our study tour to Stockholm last week. There’s no better way of meeting colleagues from the industry and discussing common issues than when you’re in stores looking at good practice from another market. The fresh perspective certainly opens people’s minds and always leads to some really positive conversations.

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Chief Executive’s Blog: For Local Shop Policy Solutions, Go West

This week we took a trip over the Severn Bridge to the Welsh Assembly in Cardiff for a meeting of the Cross Party Group on Small Shops.  As with All Party Groups in Westminster, these groups can provide a useful focal point for discussing issues relating to particularly industries or issues, and before I forget, here is more information on the inquiry being led by the Small Shops Group in Westminster into Britain’s Everyday Entrepreneurs, which we helped launch in June.

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Chief Executive's Blog: Can Businesses Afford to Give Their Staff a Pay Rise?

David Cameron has today urged businesses to give their staff a pay rise.  Clearly the Government’s economic analysis is that with inflation low, increasing wages would give further fuel to UK plc’s growth at little risk.

That macroeconomic analysis may be correct, but I have to start my response by looking at the microeconomic picture – the costs and income that dictate the way that businesses are run.  There are two problems for our sector with a strategy based on a hike in wages, and specifically in the National Minimum Wage.

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