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ACS meet with Staffordshire PCC Ben Adams at Spar Convenience Store

More Police and Crime Commissioners Outline Plans to Tackle Retail Crime

ACS has reiterated its calls to all Police and Crime Commissioners to prioritise shop theft as more Commissioners outline their plans to tackle crime in their local areas.  

Earlier this week, Ben Adams, Police and Crime Commissioner for Staffordshire met with Spar Retailer Julian Taylor-Green and ACS Government Relations Director Edward Woodall to discuss the impact of shop theft on Julian’s store and across the convenience sector.

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Yvette Cooper

ACS Welcomes Labour Plans to Get Tougher on Shop Theft

ACS has welcomed a commitment from Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper MP to get tougher on the ‘epidemic’ of shoplifting gangs through the introduction of new laws for attacking a shopworker.

In her speech to the Labour Party Conference this morning, the Shadow Home Secretary highlighted the issues being faced by retailers and shopworkers across the UK with theft and abuse, and the challenges that they’re dealing with when it comes to getting meaningful intervention from the police.

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Police outside a convenience store

Blog: How Do We Stop the Cycle of Reoffending?

Over the past couple of months we’ve seen a discernible shift in the tone of debate about shop theft and retail crime. Our own crime report, and the Co-op’s research on crime in their business, has provided a powerful evidence base. We’re seeing better engagement from Police & Crime Commissioners and local forces, and crucially we’re now hearing Ministers talking about the seriousness of shop theft and the need for penalties to be consistent with this. There’s also been a lot more interest in the media.

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Alcohol Taskforce Reports on Plans to Tackle Duty Fraud

The Joint Alcohol Anti-Fraud Taskforce has published their 2015 annual report, outlining the progress being made by the task force in tackling the illicit alcohol trade.

ACS chief executive James Lowman said: “The work of the task force is essential in the fight against the illicit alcohol trade, which costs around £1.3bn a year in lost revenue every year. Retailers who sell illicit alcohol are damaging legitimate businesses. Our position on these retailers is clear – they should lose their alcohol licence.”

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Home Affairs Select Committee Slams Out-of-Court Disposals

The Home Affairs select committee have criticised police use of out-of-court disposals, stating they are used inappropriately in up to 30% of cases.

In a report published today, the committee raised concerns that persistent and serious offences were being dealt with through out-of-court disposals when they ought to have been prosecuted at court. ACS research has shown that 1 in 4 shop thieves are repeat offenders, contributing to a £35m annual loss to the sector.

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Convenience Retailers Winning Battle Against Shop Thieves

Convenience stores are fighting back against shop thieves by investing millions in crime prevention measures in their shops.

Over the last three years, the percentage of retailers who have been victims of shop theft has fallen from 91% in 2012 to 74% in 2014. The cost of shop theft to the convenience sector has also dropped significantly over the last year from £44m to £35m a year.

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Convenience Retailers Winning Battle Against Shop Thieves

Convenience stores are fighting back against shop thieves by investing millions in crime prevention measures in their shops.

Over the last three years, the percentage of retailers who have been victims of shop theft has fallen from 91% in 2012 to 74% in 2014. The cost of shop theft to the convenience sector has also dropped significantly over the last year from £44m to £35m a year.

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