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ACS Welcomes Continued Small Shop Exemption from Unit Pricing Regulations

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has welcomed the Government’s decision to continue exempting small shops from unit pricing regulations.

In its response to the consultation on improving price transparency and product information for consumers, the Department of Business and Trade has concluded that there is no compelling case for removing the exemption. The majority of respondents to the consultation, including ACS, supported this outcome.

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Local shop

Autumn Statement: ACS Urges Chancellor to Support Retailers with Investment Incentives

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has reiterated its calls on Chancellor Jeremy Hunt to give convenience store retailers the incentives necessary to invest in the safety, security and long term future of their businesses.

In its submission to the Autumn Statement, taking place on 22nd November, ACS has called on the Chancellor to support retailers with stability on business rates, pragmatism on future wage increases, and a commitment to tackling crime in communities across the UK.

Key measures recommended by ACS in the submission include:

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Kings Speech

ACS Calls for Clarity on Tackling Retail Crime in Kings Speech

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has welcomed the Government’s focus on tackling serious crime in the Kings’ Speech, and has called on the Government to clarify how measures in the Sentencing Bill will support retailers dealing with unprecedented levels of shop theft.

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DRS flow chart

ACS: Major Waste and Packaging Reforms Must Not Be Rushed

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has submitted evidence to a Government committee inquiry on waste, resources and recycling reforms, highlighting the need for proper lead times and planning when making major changes like the introduction of Deposit Return Schemes, extended producer responsibility, and single use plastic bans. 

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