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Keep Sunday Special Hosts Sunday Trading Mass Lobby

Keep Sunday Special Hosts Sunday Trading Mass Lobby

Hundreds of concerned retailers, shopworkers and consumers gathered on Monday afternoon in a mass lobby of Parliament to oppose plans to remove Sunday trading laws.

The mass lobby, organised by campaign group Keep Sunday Special, called on MPs from pivotal constituencies in the Sunday trading debate to hear from retailers, shopworkers, faith groups and industry experts on the damage that changes to Sunday trading rules will do to the UK economy and society.

During the lobby, Shadow Business Secretary Angela Eagle MP said: "I have not had a single letter or call from a constituent asking for longer Sunday trading hours. The truth is that people do not want change and we will oppose this measure in parliament next week."

ACS chief executive James Lowman said: “The Government’s arguments on changing Sunday trading rules are based on old, inadequate evidence, and make the assumption that people will have more money to spend just because the shops are open longer. This is obviously not the case. We know that what actually happens when Sunday trading rules are removed is that small stores lose out when trade is diverted to larger supermarkets, and ultimately there will be a net loss of jobs.

“It’s essential that we get our message across to MPs ahead of a vote on the issue, and encourage retailers to continue lobbying their local MPs to vote against the proposals being put forward in the Enterprise Bill next week."

Members of the Keep Sunday Special Group include the Association of Convenience Stores, shopworkers union USDAW, the Federation of Wholesale Distributors and the National Federation of Retail Newsagents. For more information about Keep Sunday Special, visit

This entry was posted by Chris on Tue, 01/03/2016 - 11:39
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