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Last Chance to book for tomorrow's ACS Forecourt Seminar

Last Chance to book for tomorrow's ACS Forecourt Seminar

The ACS Forecourt Seminar tomorrow (3rd June 2015) is the can’t-miss event packed with exciting ideas and concepts for both existing forecourt retailers and convenience retailers looking to expand their store’s offering to include selling fuel.

This year’s event, held at the Hilton Metropole Hotel in Birmingham, will be split into three thought-provoking feature sessions looking at the challenges currently facing forecourt stores, examples of best practice from around the UK, and  uncovering ideas for the future.

Top speakers already confirmed for the day include Zahra Bahrololoumi from Accenture discussing key challenges in the forecourt industry and how these represent an opportunity for entrepreneurial fuels retailers to differentiate their brand; Jeremy Clarke from MFG talking through MFG’s journey and how they are operating and adapting to the retail and fuel trends; and Blake Gladman from him! Research and Consulting will offer a preview of him!’s Future of Forecourts report.

ACS chief executive James Lowman said: “The ACS Forecourt Seminar offers attendees a key insight in to the world of forecourt retailing. Throughout the day, we will tackle the obstacles currently facing forecourt retailers and take an exclusive look at the top performing forecourts to provide retailers with a wealth of new concepts to implement in store to help boost sales and drive footfall”.

In the best practice session, ACS will see top independent forecourt retailer, Paul Cheema, discussing his expansion from convenience into fuel retailing; and Giles Taylor from Rontec will talk about competing against the multiples, best practice thoughts and ideas for a competitive market.

The final session will include Martin Steggles from Global MSI discussing Global MSI, specialists in forecourt structures throughout the UK, Ireland and the rest of Europe; Steve Rodell from Christie and Co discussing ownership trends & prospects in the dynamic PFS market; and Brian Madderson from PRA looking at key issues such as fuel duty, rates and planning.

Tickets for the Forecourt Seminar are FREE for ACS and PRA members. To book your place, contact Sarah Johnson on 01252 515001 or visit

This entry was posted by Victoria on Tue, 02/06/2015 - 08:40
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