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New Marketing Fund to Inspire Kids to Eat More Vegetables

New Marketing Fund to Inspire Kids to Eat More Vegetables

Today a new fund is being launched to tackle the critical issue of veg consumption which is contributing to 20,000 premature deaths every year in the UK. 

VEG POWER is a marketing fund that will use the top people in the advertising industry to create impactful, innovative digital campaigns aimed at children.  VEG POWER is being backed by celebrity chefs, medical experts, food producers and teachers and will aim to transform children’s current attitude to vegetables. With strong simple digital content it will inspire children to embrace and love the huge variety of vegetables on offer.

The long-term goal is for VEG POWER to be sustainably funded by Government and the Food Industry and VEG POWER aims to prove that investing in promoting vegetables will change children’s attitudes and offer health benefits leading to huge savings across the NHS by reducing the cost of treating diet related disease. It will also support farmers to produce more vegetables in the UK and support jobs and the economy.  

A Crowdfund goes live today appealing to veg lovers, parents, growers and sellers across the UK to support the fund.  The aim is to raise £100,000. More details about the crowdfund are available here:

Anna Taylor of Peas Please said: “The Veg Power Fund is a fantastic opportunity to really show how positive marketing can change people’s perception of vegetables and inspire our children to eat more of them.    Eating more veg will have a huge impact on their long term health and significantly reduce the risk of them developing diet related diseases as they grow up.”

Veg Power was created by Peas Please(, a collaboration between the Food Foundation (, Nourish Scotland (, Food Cardiff ( and the WWF ( to make it easier for people to choose veg.

ACS is working with Peas Please to sponsor fresh produce awards at the HIM Awards next week, as well as the Retail Industry Awards in September.

This entry was posted by Chris on Thu, 03/05/2018 - 09:55
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