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Retailers Report Successful Compliance with Tobacco Display Ban Regulations

Retailers Report Successful Compliance with Tobacco Display Ban Regulations

New research published by ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has revealed that over 90% of convenience retailers do not have concerns about their tobacco display ban compliance.

The survey of over 1200 independent retailers across the UK revealed that 36% of stores in the sample had been visited by trading standards since the implementation of the ban with no issues raised about compliance. Another 58% of stores reported that while they hadn’t had a visit, they had no concerns about compliance issues. In the sample, 2% said they had a visit which resulted in concerns being raised about their gantry, while another 4% said that they were concerned about compliance but had not had a visit.

ACS chief executive James Lowman said: “When the tobacco display ban regulations were announced, we produced easy to follow guidance which was adopted by a number of companies along with trading standards and the Department of Health. We are delighted that just a few months after implementation, over 90% of retailers have no concerns about the operation of the display ban in their store.”

“During the implementation phase of the ban in the Spring, we received hundreds of calls from retailers looking for advice on the display ban – the majority of which were resolved with our core guidance. However, there were a number of questions about the nuances of the regulations which we have produced Assured recommendations on as part of our primary authority partnership with Surrey County Council, providing another benefit for retailers signed up to the scheme.”

Brandon Cook, Trading Standards Manager (Staffordshire County Council) said: “It is really pleasing to know that there is a high compliance rate. I know that ACS and Trading Standards colleagues have worked hard to provide information to retailers to ensure they know what the law says. Trading Standards are here to help businesses and can be contacted locally.”

ACS’ tobacco display ban advice and frequently asked questions have been Assured under the primary authority partnership between ACS and Surrey County Council (England) / Bridgend County Council (Wales). For more information about Assured Advice, please visit


This entry was posted by Chris on Mon, 15/06/2015 - 10:07
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