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Top 5 Questions to ask your Prospective Parliamentary Candidates

Top 5 Questions to ask your Prospective Parliamentary Candidates

During the election campaign, you are likely to have Prospective Parliamentary Candidates dropping into your business trying to canvass your vote.  Make sure you are prepared to challenge your Prospective Parliamentary Candidates (PPC) on the issue that matter to you.

Here are the top questions you should consider asking;

  1. What are you doing locally to support small retailers?
    It's worth starting with local issues that directly affect your business, such parking outside the front of your store, traffic problems or experience of anti-social behaviour.  Ask your PPC what they plan to do to support businesses locally and how it will benefit your business.
  2. How can we reduce the burden of business rates on small retailers locally?
    The Government are reviewing the business rates system and we want to ensure that small retailers' rates bills are reduced as a result. This can be delivered through great use of discretionary relief powers from local authorities, restructuring the small business rate relief scheme to include more retailers, and capping the increase of rates bills by 2%.
  3. How can we put business crime higher up the Police's agenda?
    There are misconceptions that business crime is victimless. However, this is not the case. ACS’ most recent Crime Report estimates that shop theft alone cost the convenience sector £44 million.  We want the police and the justice system to take strong action to stop repeat offenders stealing from shops and harming the communities they serve.
  4. How do you think planning policies can support high streets and local communities?
    Since the introduction of the new National Planning Policy Framework, 76% of large retail developments have been delivered out of town.  This is out of kilter with consumer shopping habits that increasingly want to shop little and often at stores within walking distance of their home. We want to see more large retail developments in town centres and strong local plans that account for retail provision.
  5. How can we encourage more business growth and essential services to local communities?
    The convenience store sector is one of the fastest growing sections of the grocery market.  The main barriers to growth are fixed business costs like rents, rates, employment and energy costs.  Driving down these costs will encourage more entrepreneurial activities in the convenience sector and beyond.

For more information, or help encouraging your local PPC or MP to visit you store, contact Julie Byers on 01252 533 008 or e-mail [email protected] 

This entry was posted by Victoria on Tue, 03/02/2015 - 11:41
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