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Welsh Convenience Stores Invest Over £49m in 2017

Welsh Convenience Stores Invest Over £49m in 2017

Convenience stores in Wales have invested over £49m in improving their businesses over the last year, according to new figures released by the Association of Convenience Stores today.

The ACS 2018 Welsh Local Shop Report outlines the huge contribution that convenience stores in Wales make to their local communities, as an employer, and to the Welsh economy.

Convenience stores in Wales are also more likely to be in rural areas than in any other part of the UK. Around two thirds of all convenience stores in Wales (65%) trade in rural locations, playing an essential role in small and otherwise isolated communities.

Other key findings from the report include:

  • There are 3,185 convenience stores in Wales, generating sales of £2.4bn last year
  • Convenience stores in Wales provide around 25,000 jobs for local people
  • 84% of independent Welsh retailers were involved in some form of community activity over the last year

ACS chief executive James Lowman said: “Convenience stores in Wales have strong community values, and consistently poll as the most engaged part of the UK when it comes to community activity. These stores are also significant investors, improving their offering to local customers through the introduction of services like contactless payment, free to use cash machines and Post Office counters in-store.

“The success of convenience stores in Wales can only be sustainable if supported by policies that help stores continue to invest. Business rates remain a significant cost for many retailers in Wales, so we encourage the Welsh Government to ensure that upcoming changes to the business rates appeals system are fair and learn the lessons of the troubled Check, Challenge, Appeal process that has already been introduced in England.”

Janet Finch-Saunders AM, Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Local Government, and Chair of the Cross Party Group on Small Shops said: “I am delighted to host this launch event, highlighting the fantastic contribution of small shops to the Welsh economy. It is essential that we don’t underestimate the value of these shops to their local communities, and I will continue to promote the work of our dedicated shop keepers across Wales.”

The full report is available on the ACS website at

This entry was posted by Chris on Wed, 07/02/2018 - 09:02
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