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ACS Announces Security Showcase Shortlist

The Association of Convenience Stores is delighted to announce the line-up of companies that have been chosen to present at the Security Showcase on 21st November at bet365 Stadium in Stoke.

This new event for 2018 will begin by providing an insight into the extent and types of retail crime against the sector and the challenges retailers face in tackling these issues. There will then be presentations from suppliers of crime prevention equipment exploring the latest solutions and how they could benefit retailers and their stores.

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Fuel Pre-Payment Not a Quick Fix to Stop Crime

ACS has responded to comments made by Simon Cole QPM, the National Police Chief’s Council lead on local policing and Leicestershire Chief Constable about the widespread introduction of pre-payment of fuel, suggesting that Chief Constable Cole doesn’t appreciate the significant cost and complexity that pre-payment entails for the UK’s 8,400+ petrol forecourts.

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ACS: Convenience Stores Make Positive Contribution to High Street Health

The Association of Convenience Stores has responded to a new report from the Royal Society of Public Health, highlighting the positive role that convenience stores play in the lives of people across the UK.

The Health on the High Street  2018 report, published today, rates each type of outlet on the high street on four areas of health:

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ACS Publishes Making Tax Digital Guide

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has produced a guide to help retailers prepare for submitting quarterly tax updates digitally under HMRC’s Making Tax Digital (MTD) reforms.

From 1st April 2019, businesses with a taxable turnover above the VAT threshold (currently £85,000) must:

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Book Your Place at the ACS Hosted One2Ones

The ACS HostedOne2Ones event, taking place on December 12th at One Park Crescent in London, is a business speed dating experience giving retailers the opportunity to have short meetings with our Premier Club and Club suppliers and start negotiating the best deals.

This event allows our Premier Club and Club suppliers to meet with retailers and gain an increased understanding of the convenience sector and is an opportunity for retailers to build new and exciting relationships with some of the biggest suppliers within the sector.

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ACS Calls on MPs to Support Extra Protection for Shopworkers

ACS has called on MPs to give extra protections in law to retail workers selling age restricted products after a new strategy from the Government has been launched to support NHS staff who face abuse. 

The strategy, announced today by Health Secretary Matt Hancock, includes legislation passed this year that makes offences against NHS workers aggravated. 

ACS is supporting new clause 1 of the Offensive Weapons Bill, which calls for protections for retail staff that sell potentially harmful products like corrosive substances. 

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Chief Executive's Blog: Rating the Budget

Budgets are always a mix of good and bad news for pretty much any business sector, and indeed for individuals and families and other interest groups.  Looking narrowly at the 2018 Budget from the perspective of our members, I’d say there’s more positive than negative news in there.  I’d also give the caveat that much of the real Budget news comes in the documents published when the Chancellor sits down, detailing the proposals, processes and timelines for the headline announcements he skipped over at the despatch

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