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Almost 90% of Small Retailers Compliant with Tobacco Display Ban

Around 9 in 10 small retailers are fully compliant with the tobacco display ban, according to a report released today by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI).

The CTSI’s Rapid Review on Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Regulations Compliance by Small Businesses shows that 89% of convenience stores, 83% of off licences, 92% of newsagents and 97% of petrol forecourts are fully compliant with the tobacco display provisions to cover up tobacco gantries, which was introduced for small businesses on 6th April 2015.

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Glyn Davies MP Outlines Support for Local Retailer on Sunday Trading

Montgomeryshire MP Glyn Davies has outlined his support for retaining the existing Sunday trading regulations in a visit to a SPAR store in his constituency.

The store owners, Matthew and Huw Jones, raised concerns about the impact that longer opening hours for larger stores on Sundays would have on their business.

The current, popular Sunday trading regulations are at risk of being removed by central Government, who want to devolve the power to set trading hours to local authorities.

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Minimum Wage Compliance Essential to Level Playing Field for Retailers

ACS called on retailers to ensure that they are fully aware of and compliant with the national minimum wage rates.

Government has published a list of over 100 employers who have fallen short of paying their employees the national minimum wage, with underpayment close to £400,000 in total.

Business minister Nick Boles said: “Employers who fail to pay the minimum wage hurt the living standards of the lowest paid and their families.”

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HMRC Reveal £2.7bn Excise Duty Lost to Illicit Alcohol and Tobacco in 2014

ACS has responded to the publication of the latest HMRC Tax Gaps report, calling on the government to introduce the Alcohol Wholesaler Registration Scheme without further delays.

The total excise duty lost to the Treasury in 2013-14 was estimated at £2.7bn. This included a £0.1bn reduction in duty lost through illicit alcohol, but a £0.1bn increase in the level of duty lost through illicit tobacco sales.

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Local shops: PM wrong on Sunday trading

The Association of Convenience Stores has labelled the Prime Minister’s response to a question on Sunday trading as 'ill-informed' and 'incorrect' on key details of the current law and the debate about devolving decision-making to local authorities.

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80% Reduction in Carrier Bag Usage in Scotland Highlights Need for Universal English Charge

ACS continues to urge the government to include small businesses in England’s single-use carrier bag charge after figures today show Scotland’s universal charge has cut usage by 650 million bags in its first year.

The figures, released today by the Scottish government, show that the number of single-use carrier bag bags given to consumers has decreased by 80% since the 5p charge came into effect on 20th October 2014. The charge, which applies to businesses of all sizes, has helped raise over £6.7 million for good causes.

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MPs Raise Concerns about Sunday Trading Impact; Proposals Yet to be Published

MPs from a range of political parties have raised concerns in parliament about the government’s plans to devolve decisions on Sunday trading to local authorities.

Many MPs were expecting the proposals to be included as an amendment to the Cities & Devolution Bill, which had its second reading in the House of Commons yesterday.  However, this clause was not proposed as an amendment at this stage, with ministers not confirming if and when this policy would be brought into legislation.

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ACS Welcomes Cap on Debit and Credit Card Fees

ACS has welcomed the government’s decision to introduce EU measures which will cap the costs retailers currently face when processing debit and credit card payments.

From 9th December, the European Commission’s Interchange Fee Regulation will come into effect which will cap the amount that is charged by banks to card providers to 0.2% on debit cards and 0.3% on credit cards.

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