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Minister Announces Plain Packaging Vote Ahead of General Election

The Government has confirmed that a vote on the introduction of standardised tobacco packaging will take place before Parliament breaks ahead of the General Election.

Health Minister Jane Ellison announced during an evening adjournment debate on Wednesday that the measures would be laid before parliament.

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Enter the APPSSG Best Small Shops Competition Today!

ACS is encouraging retailers to enter to the search for the UK's best small shop as part of a competition organised by the All Party Parliamentary Small Shops Group.

APPSSG Chairman Simon Danczuk MP said: “We are looking for the best small shops in the UK to come forward and tell us the great work they do to serve their communities and create jobs in the economy. Grocers, Delis, Booksellers, Music Shops all have the chance to tell us why they are the best small retailer.”

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ACS Calls for Tougher Penalties for Repeat Shop Thieves

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has called for a tougher stance on shop theft from police and the justice system after figures released today by the British Retail Consortium revealed that the cost of shop theft across the retail sector has increased. Recently published government data also reflects this trend, reporting that overall, there has been a 5% increase in shop theft offences in England and Wales.

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2015 Great British High Streets Competition Announced

Following the huge response to the Great British High Streets competition towns and villages are being urged to make one of their resolutions to enter this year’s awards.

The decision to extend the scheme, which will give people another chance to showcase their wares and share tips for success with others, was down to the enthusiasm for the awards shown by traders, businesses and local communities.

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Conservative Party commit to Full Employment

On the 19th January, David Cameron called for Britain to become a nation of ‘full employment’ in a speech setting out Conservative jobs pledges.

Mr Cameron said full employment would mean that ‘anyone who wants a job is able to get a job in our country’.  Cameron set no timeframe for the pledge to be fulfilled.

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Labour Publishes ‘Programme for Action’ on Public Health

The Labour Party have this morning published a series of policy announcements on the issue of public health which would be implemented if they are to form the next Government.

The Paper covers a number of areas including physical activity, food, tobacco and community resilience. Some of the key announcements include:

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Sunder Sandher Gets Road Safety Win With Local Campaign

Award winning Leamington Spa retailer Sunder Sandher has moved a step closer to introducing a stricter speed limit outside his store as a result of campaigning with his local MP.

The road outside Sunder’s One Stop store features two schools but is subjected to cars frequently exceeding the 30mph speed limit. In a store visit at the end of 2014, Sunder spoke to his local MP Chris White about the problem and called on Mr White to help him in asking the local council to consider a 20mph limit on the road.

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Government support to help small businesses connect with online opportunities

Research shows that more than half of the public (55%) find it difficult to support local small firms because often these businesses aren’t online. In fact, figures show that as many as 2 million (39%) sole traders and small companies are missing out on business because they have no online presence. In addition, over half of customers (52%) go straight to search engines when looking to buy from local businesses, nearly double the number that ask for word-of-mouth recommendations.

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Home Office: Personal Licences Granted in Early 2005 Must be Renewed

ACS has welcomed the simplified process for personal licence renewals set out by the Home Office ahead of the implementation of the Deregulation Bill.

The Deregulation Bill, which is currently before Parliament, intends to scrap the requirement for personal licence holders to renew their licence every ten years. However, the passing of this Bill will be after the ten year renewal point for those who were granted their licence in early 2005, so those holders will need to renew their licence.

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