ACS Welcomes Coronavirus Testing Extension

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has welcomed an announcement from the Government about the extension of coronavirus testing to all key workers in England experiencing coronavirus symptoms.

During yesterday’s press conference, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Matt Hancock outlined the Government’s ‘test, track and trace’ programme to help the UK out of lockdown.

A new campaign will help essential workers in England- including NHS and care staff, teachers, hospital cleaners, public servants, the emergency services, supermarket staff, delivery drivers and other critical infrastructure staff to access testing.

Employers can now register and refer self-isolating staff, and employees are now able to book a test directly for themselves or members of their household who are experiencing symptoms.

ACS chief executive James Lowman said: “Our sector has played a vital role in feeding communities across the UK and providing vital services and it is welcome news that more key workers, including convenience colleagues, are going to be eligible for coronavirus testing.

“We will work with the Government to make sure the testing process works smoothly for convenience retailers and their colleagues.”

Test results from the drive through sites are expected to be sent out by text within 48 hours of the test taking place and 72 hours of collection of the home delivery.

Additional testing methods will also be rolled-out to increase testing accessibility including home testing and ‘satellite kits’ for care homes.

More information about testing of key workers is available here:

ACS will be publishing more information for retailers on this process shortly which will be available at:

This entry was posted by Chloe on Fri, 24/04/2020 - 14:20