
Scottish Government Confirm Details of Disposable Vape Ban in 2025

The Scottish Government has published its response to the consultation on details surrounding the introduction of a ban on disposable vaping products, set to come into force in April 2025.

The response provides additional clarity on their views on the definition of a disposable vape, as well as more information about the way that the rules will be enforced. The Scottish Government acknowledges that enforcement was the biggest concern raised by those who submitted evidence to the consultation.

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ACS Calls on Scottish Government to Drop Additional HFSS Restrictions

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has responded to the Scottish Government’s consultation on HFSS restrictions, calling on the Scottish Government to save consumers and small businesses from additional costs as the nation emerges from the cost of living and cost of trading crisis. The Scottish Government is proposing additional restrictions to those in place in England, but is aligning with England on the illogical definition of small businesses exempted from the new rules.

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ACS Warns of £645m Boost to Illicit Trade after Disposable Vape Ban

ACS (The Association of Convenience Stores) has called on the Government to focus on effective enforcement to deal with the huge illicit trade in vapes that will receive a £645m boost if disposable vapes are banned next year.

In response to the Government’s short consultation on the proposals to ban disposable vape devices from April 2025, ACS has highlighted a number of fundamental issues with DEFRA’s own impact assessment on the ban, warning that it has significantly underestimated the losses that will be felt by retailers.

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ACS Warns of £645m Boost to Illicit Trade after Disposable Vape Ban

ACS (The Association of Convenience Stores) has called on the Government to focus on effective enforcement to deal with the huge illicit trade in vapes that will receive a £645m boost if disposable vapes are banned next year.

In response to the Government’s short consultation on the proposals to ban disposable vape devices from April 2025, ACS has highlighted a number of fundamental issues with DEFRA’s own impact assessment on the ban, warning that it has significantly underestimated the losses that will be felt by retailers.

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ACS Welcomes Continued Small Shop Exemption from Unit Pricing Regulations

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has welcomed the Government’s decision to continue exempting small shops from unit pricing regulations.

In its response to the consultation on improving price transparency and product information for consumers, the Department of Business and Trade has concluded that there is no compelling case for removing the exemption. The majority of respondents to the consultation, including ACS, supported this outcome.

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