ACS Welcomes Scotland's Plans to Introduce Carrier Bag Charges

Scottish Government has approved plans to introduce a mandatory 5p charge for almost all disposable carrier bags. The regulation will be introduced in Scotland from 20 October this year, after the Scottish Government yesterday approved plans to implement the levy. Currently around 750 million carrier bags are used in Scotland each year. The draft guidance for the regulations is available here.

Alongside the regulations, the Scottish Government are keen for retailers to sign up to their Carrier Bag Commitment, which is a pledge by retailers to abide by the regulations and share their compliance data online. This is only applicable to retailers with less than 10 FTE staff, as there aren’t any recording or reporting requirements for stores with fewer than 10 staff.

The levy, similar to that already in place in Wales and Northern Ireland, will see the proceeds of the charge - estimated to be up to £5 million each year - donated to good causes.

ACS Chief Executive James Lowman said: "ACS supports the introduction of the carrier bag levy. Retailers in Wales are already seeing the benefit of the carrier bag levy that has been in place since 2011. It has seen cost savings for retailers as well, providing a positive way of having a greater part to play in the community."

The UK Government has also proposed the introduction of an English carrier bag charge, however it initially included plans to exempt all businesses with fewer than 250 employees. This suggestion has been opposed by ACS and other retail organisations, and we are currently awaiting the final decision from government. The English levy is expected to be introduced in 2015.

This entry was posted by Chris on Thu, 29/05/2014 - 09:00