Other News

ACS: Government Must Commit to Greater Protection for Shopworkers

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has briefed Peers ahead of the Second Reading of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill (PCSC) in the House of Lords, calling for the Government to consider amendments which would introduce tougher sentencing to address attacks against shopworkers.

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ACS: PSR Strategy Must Go Further to Promote Competition

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has responded to a consultation from the Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) on its five-year strategy, calling for the regulator to prioritise reducing the cost of anti-competitive and opaque card scheme fees.  

The draft strategy identifies four key priorities:

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Local Shops Welcome Approved Sales Mechanism for Selling Lottery Products

Local shops have welcomed the Government’s decision to allow 16 and 17 year olds to continue selling lottery products, when approved by someone over the age of 18, from October this year.

The Minister of State for Media and Data, John Whittingdale, has confirmed the introduction an approved sales system for National Lottery Products following a short consultation in July and August.

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ACS: Home Office Still Not Committing to New Law to Protect Shopworkers

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) is calling on the Home Office to amend the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill to create a new offence of assaulting a shopworker.

Today (9th September) the Home Affairs Select Committee published the Government’s response to its report on Violence and abuse towards retail workers.

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No Days Off: Half of Convenience Store Owners Work Every Day over Last 12 Months

49% of independent convenience store owners have reported that they’ve worked every day over the last year, doubling the total from last year (24%).

The 2021 Local Shop Report, published this week by the Association of Convenience Stores, highlights how hard retailers have been working over the last 12 months to keep communities going and make sure that there is still enough on the shelves for customers.

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ACS Launches Wellbeing Guide for Retailers and Colleagues

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has launched new guidance for the convenience sector to provide retailers with practical advice on how to support wellbeing for themselves and their colleagues.

Launched today (31st August) the Wellbeing Guide has been developed in collaboration with the What Works Centre for Wellbeing (WWCW) to provide guidance for retailers of all sizes about practical steps to take on the shop floor to improve staff retention and customer service via a healthy, engaged workforce.

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ACS Urges UK Government to Follow Changes to Self-Isolation Rules in Wales

Today (30th July) First Minister Mark Drakeford announced that from 7th August all adults who have been fully vaccinated and are not displaying symptoms will no longer have to self-isolate if they are identified as close contacts of someone with coronavirus. Retailers in England and Scotland will have to wait longer for fully vaccinated colleagues to return to work.

From 7th August in Wales, instead of instructing fully vaccinated adults to isolate, contact tracers and advisers will provide them guidance on how to protect themselves and stay safe.

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ACS Launches Survey on Upcoming HFSS Regulations

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has launched a survey to help retailers and suppliers operating in the convenience sector understand how businesses intend to respond upcoming regulations on high fat, salt and sugar (HFSS) products.

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Book Your Place at ACS’ 2021 Local Shop Report Launch!

Book your place at the launch of the 2021 Local Shop Report, taking place in Birmingham and as a virtual event on 8th September.

The launch event will explore the findings of this year's report and provide a comprehensive look at the stores, people and services within the convenience sector.

The event will feature a panel session with a group of leading convenience retailers to reflect on the findings of this year’s report and to find out about the running of a convenience store first-hand.

Confirmed speakers include:

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