Other News

Welsh Government Launches New Strategy to Regenerate the Retail Sector

The Welsh Government has launched a new strategy to regenerate the retail sector in Wales, outlining the challenges faced by retail businesses in Wales.

The shared strategic vision for the retail sector sets out how the Welsh Government, the sector and trade unions will work together in partnership to ensure that the retail sector has a bright and sustainable future in Wales.

The vision identifies key areas where action is needed, these include:

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ACS Reminds Retailers About Changes to Tobacco Track and Trace System

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) is reminding retailers about the upcoming changes to the tobacco track and trace system.

From Monday 13th June 2022, retailers may receive an email from Dentsu about the changes from the previous tobacco track system to De La Rue (DLR) over to the Dentsu system.

Retailers will also receive a second email between 20th June and 1st July 2022 and it is important that retailers do not delete this email, as this registers businesses on the live system.

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CAP Report Highlights Role of Local Shops in Preventing Underage Sales Across the UK

Community Alcohol Partnerships (CAP) has reported significant reductions in children’s drinking and anti-social behaviour in areas where its local partnership schemes operate.

CAP partnerships are made up of retailers, local authorities, police, schools, neighbourhood groups and health providers, who work together to make a positive difference to the health and wellbeing of young people and improve the communities where they live. There are currently over 250 schemes across England, Scotland and Wales.

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ACS Encourages Retailers to Get Involved in Campaign to Encourage Inclusivity

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) is encouraging retailers to get involved with a campaign which aims to increase awareness of how vital our senses are to living life to the full, especially for people with complex disabilities.

Throughout July, national disability charity Sense is encouraging people to host a Sensational Tea Party – a bake sale/coffee morning with a sensory twist. The aim of these tea parties is to help communities reconnect, create conversation and break down barriers as well as raising vital funds to support people with complex disabilities

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ACS: Everyone Welcome in Local Shops!

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has launched new comprehensive guide for retailers on how to provide excellent customer service for all customers including the millions of customers with disabilities and different needs.

Launched today (18th May), the Everyone Welcome Guide provides advice for retailers both in terms of how stores can be adapted and how colleagues can provide a welcoming environment for all customers.

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ACS: UK Tobacco Track and Trace System Transition

From 1st July, the UK tobacco track and system will be moving from the current IT provider De La Rue (DLR) to a new IT provider called Dentsu.

Since 20th May 2019, tobacco manufacturers have been required to provide unique identifier codes on cigarettes and hand-rolling tobacco products. Cigarettes and hand rolling tobacco must also be tracked through the supply chain. This means that distributors, wholesalers and retailers with distribution centres are required to scan these products in and out of their warehouses.

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ACS Launches People Hub for Members

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has developed a brand-new package of employment resources for retailers, supporting effective recruitment, retention and progression across the convenience sector.

The ACS People Hub has been launched to support members within a competitive labour market and follows the launch of the ACS Wellbeing Guide in September.

The People Hub, accessible via the ACS Member Portal, includes content on:

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ACS: Take Part in the 2022 National Living Wage Survey!

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) is calling on retailers to take part in its annual National Living Wage Survey.

ACS’ National Living Wage Survey will inform ACS’ submission to the Low Pay Commission’s consultation on future wage rates. The consultation is seeking views on:

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Home Office Figures Shows Rise in Crime for Local Shops During Pandemic

Official figures from the Home Office published today (30th March) have again shown the link between the Covid-19 pandemic and crimes committed against wholesalers and retailers. 

The Home Office data showed that nearly half (46%) of retailers perceived an increase in levels of violence and assault between April 2020 and March 2021. These findings closely align with ACS' 2022 Crime Report that estimated 35,000 violent incidents in convenience stores in the last 12 months.

Key findings of the Commercial Victimisation Survey include:

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