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ACS Blog

Local Means Local

Just under a year ago I was asked to join the Future High Streets Forum, and soon after I became chair of the policy group of the Forum. This has given me an insight into some of the initiatives being taken to support high streets around the country, and I wanted to share something I’ve learned over that time.

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Minimum Pricing

I’m always pleased when ACS gets a mention in a new report, as it usually means some of our research is getting quoted or the author is thinking about local shops which is a good thing. Last week’s British Medical Journal report “Under the Influence” names ACS as an organization engaged in trying to change Government’s minimum unit pricing policy. There are a number of extraordinary issues that emerge from this report.

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Politicising the Minimum Wage is Damaging to Local Shops

A well placed article in the Times this morning has added further concern to employers’ worries about an increase in wage rates.  The article suggests that the Chancellor and the Prime Minster are convinced that a 50p increase in the minimum wage will put them a step ahead of Labour in the Living Standards debate that will feature prominently in the next election – the concept of the piece is that this would be a great bit of political strategizing.

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