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ACS: World Refrigeration Day 2019

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) is reminding retailers about the upcoming F-Gas service ban on the launch of first ever World Refrigeration Day (26th June).

The World Refrigeration Day initiative aims to raise awareness about the contribution that refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pumps make globally across many aspects of modern life.

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ACS: Government Announces New Allergen Law

The government has announced today (25th June) plans to introduce a new law requiring food businesses to include full ingredients labelling on foods prepacked for direct sale.

Defra defines prepacked food for direct sale as applying to, “foods that have been packed on the same premises from which they are being sold. These might include a packaged salad or baguette from a shop that was made by staff earlier in the day, packaged in the kitchen and then placed on a shelf for customers to purchase.”

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ACS Gives Evidence on More Frequent Business Rate Revaluations

ACS has given evidence to the Non-Domestic Rating Bill Committee, welcoming the move to more frequent revaluations on business rates.

The evidence session comes after the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government confirmed changes to the frequency of business rates valuations earlier this month. The next revaluation, previously scheduled for 2022, will be brought forward to 2021, with revaluations taking place every three years thereafter instead of the current five year period.

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ACS: Get Involved with the Great Get Together 2019!

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) is encouraging retailers to get involved with this year’s Great Get Together, taking place this weekend (21st-23rd June).

The Great Get Together celebrates people and businesses taking part in community activities together. This could include a range of activities from hosting coffee mornings, being part of a village fete to putting on a barbecue or any other local community activity.

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Decline in Illicit Market Should Not Lead to Complacency

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has responded to the publication of HM Revenue and Customs’ report on the prevalence of non-duty paid alcohol and illicit tobacco in the UK. ACS is reiterating calls for targeted action at a local level to reduce the impact of the illicit trade on responsible retailers.

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ACS: Ofgem Visits Convenience Retailers

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has given the Ofgem a flavour of the challenges faced by local shops, by taking the energy market regulator to see a number of convenience retailers to discuss how they interact with the energy market and to find ways they can help improve their experiences.

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ACS: Track and Trace One Month On

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) is encouraging all convenience store retailers that sell tobacco to make sure that they have the codes they need to comply with the track and trace regulations.

The regulations came into force on 20th May 2019 and require retailers to have an Economic Operator Identifier Code (registered to their business) and a Facility Identifier Code (for each of their stores) in order to purchase compliant cigarettes and hand-rolling tobacco products.

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Independent Retailers’ Investment Plans at Record Low

New figures from the Association of Convenience Stores have revealed that fewer than one in ten retailers are planning to invest in their business in the future, a record low.

When asked about their business plans in the quarterly Voice of Local Shops Survey, only 9% of independent retailers said they planned to invest in their stores over the coming year. This is the lowest level seen since the survey began in 2012 and a decline from 16% last May.

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ACS Supports National Licensing Week 2019

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) is supporting National Licensing Week (17th-21st June) and is encouraging retailers to get involved by using this week to showcase the work that they do in their communities.

National Licensing Week was established in 2016 by the Institute of Licensing to raise awareness about the role of licensing in our everyday lives. The underlying message of this week is that ‘licensing is everywhere’ and day one of National Licensing Week focuses on ‘Positive Partnerships’.

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