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Employment in the Convenience Sector: Take Part in the 2019 Colleague Survey

ACS is calling on people working in convenience stores to complete the 2019 Colleague Survey, with five shopping vouchers worth £100 each up for grabs in a prize draw for those who take part in the survey.

The findings of the Colleague Survey will inform ACS’ research projects and engagements with Government. The survey will provide data on staff recruitment, job satisfaction, personal commitments, training and development and more.

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ACS: Get Involved in the Great British Spring Clean 2019

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) is encouraging retailers to get involved with this year’s Great British Spring Clean.

The Great British Spring Clean 2019 is taking place from 22nd March- 23rd April. Last year, over 370,000 people collected 650,000 bags of rubbish across Great Britain and this year the aim is to get over half a million people involved in the campaign.

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Access to Cash Must Be Protected for Millions Who Rely on It Every Day

ACS has welcomed the publication of the final Access to Cash Review, calling on the Government to ensure that consumer’s access to cash is protected in the future.

The review, published this morning (6th March), notes that while the UK’s cash use is in decline, we are still a long way away from becoming a cashless society as millions of people still rely on cash on a daily basis. The review found that 17% of the UK population (8 million adults) would struggle to cope in a cashless society, while 97% of the population still carry cash on them.

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ACS: Book Your Place at the 2019 Crime Seminar!

The ACS Crime Seminar is an exclusive and insightful day split into three sessions on tackling violence, protecting cash in-store and sharing best practice. The sessions are designed to provide practical approaches to managing crime in your business.

Taking place on 26th March at Church House in Westminster, the event provides retailers with the opportunity to ask the panels of leading industry experts about how to tackle crime in their stores.

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Employment in the Convenience Sector: Take Part in the 2019 Colleague Survey

ACS is calling on people working in convenience stores to complete the 2019 Colleague Survey, with five shopping vouchers worth £100 each up for grabs in a prize draw for those who take part in the survey.

The findings of the Colleague Survey will inform ACS’ research projects and engagements with Government. The survey will provide data on staff recruitment, job satisfaction, personal commitments, training and development and more.

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Government Confirm New Fuel Labels for September 2019

The Government has responded to their consultation on changes to fuel pump labelling, confirming that forecourts will be required to be compliant with the new regulations from 1st September 2019.

From this date, forecourts will have to comply with the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive which requires fuel pumps and nozzles to display new labels which state whether the fuel is E5 Petrol or B7 Diesel.

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Rural Convenience Stores “Indispensable Hub” For Thousands of Isolated Communities

The Association of Convenience Stores has called on the Government to ensure that there is a level playing field for the UK’s 16,944 rural convenience stores which allows them to keep pace with new technology and continue providing essential services to local people.

The 2019 Rural Shop Report reveals that rural convenience stores provide flexible jobs for almost 140,000 people, have invested over £271m in improving their businesses, and are providing a wider range of services despite being hampered by slower than average broadband speeds and unreliable mobile connectivity.

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ACS: Get Involved with GroceryAid’s Awareness Day!

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) is encouraging retailers to get involved with GroceryAid’s first awareness day, taking place today (26th February).

This annual event aims to ensure that colleagues working in the grocery industry know that they have a place to turn to if they are in need of help and support.

GroceryAid is a national charity offering emotional, financial and practical advice and support on a range of issues for all grocery colleagues and their immediate families.

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Convenience Stores Support Universal Plastic Bag Charge in England

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has welcomed Government proposals to extend the plastic bag charge in England to all retailers, as long as there are no additional reporting requirements on small businesses.

The Government is currently consulting on the extension of the plastic bag charge in England to businesses with fewer than 250 employees. A 5p charge for plastic bags has been in place for large businesses in England since 2015, with supermarkets reporting that plastic bag sales have fallen by 86% after the introduction of the charge.

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Most Local Shops Still Unaware of Making Tax Digital Responsibilities

With less than six weeks to go until the introduction of Making Tax Digital rules, only one in four convenience store retailers know what they need to do comply with the changes.

From 1st April 2019, all businesses with a taxable turnover above the VAT threshold (currently £85,000) must keep their VAT records digitally and use Making Tax Digital (MTD) compatible software to submit their VAT returns.

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