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ACS: Government Publishes EU Exit Guidance for Retail Sector

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy have published new guidance for the Retail Sector on Preparing for EU Exit. The guidance includes information on importing and exporting, regulations and standards and employing EU workers.

The new guidance suggests that retailers should contact the organisation responsible for moving their goods, such as a haulage firm. The guidance also signposts to the government tool, Prepare for EU Exit, which provides more detailed guidance on policy changes.

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Government Rejects Calls to Delay Making Tax Digital

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has criticised the Government for rejecting the recommendation of the House of Lords Economic Affairs Finance Bill Sub-Committee to delay the mandatory introduction of Making Tax Digital (MTD) for VAT by one year to April 2020. 

MTD reforms will require VAT registered businesses to submit their VAT records digitally using compatible software. The policy reforms aim to reduce the tax gap and help businesses have a more accurate overview of their tax affairs.

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ACS Welcomes Treasury Committee Inquiry on Business Rates

ACS has welcomed the launch of a new inquiry into business rates, calling on the Treasury to look closely into how rates affect essential services like petrol forecourts and free to use cash machines. 

The Treasury Select Committee has launched the inquiry into business rates to scrutinise how Government policy has impacted business. The Committee will examine how Business Rates policy has changed, including Business Rates retention, alternatives to property-based taxes, such as the proposed digital services tax, and how changes to Business Rates could impact businesses.

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ACS Highlight the Impact of Shop Theft in C-Stores

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has responded to figures obtained by the Press Association (PA) about the incidents of shop theft in the UK. According to the figures, Police from forces in England and Wales investigated 78,110 incidents of shop theft in UK supermarkets 2017, an almost 8% increase from 72,423 in 2014.

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Retailers Still Left Without Clarity on How to Comply with Track and Trace Regulations

ACS has called on HMRC to publish details of the application process for tobacco track and trace codes as soon as possible, or else risk a backlog of applications and uncertainty about the supply of tobacco to retailers.

HMRC has this morning (30th January) published limited details of what retailers will need to do to comply with the regulations once they come into force on 20th May 2019, but have not included anything on how or when retailers can apply for the two codes necessary to be able to purchase tobacco.

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Chief Executive's Blog: Crimes Reported vs Crimes Committed

The Office for National Statistics recently published new figures on different types of crime in England and Wales, including a range of offences that sometimes have as their victims convenience store retailers and their staff. The figure that got the most attention (in our sector at least) was the small decline in reported shop theft. It’s well worth exploring this statistic and looking at what it actually tells us.

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Shortlist Announced for Upcoming ACS Technology Showcase

ACS has announced the shortlist of companies to present at the 2019 Technology Showcase, taking place on 5th February in Manchester.

The Technology Showcase will bring together retailers and suppliers to hear first-hand the impact technology has on the convenience sector and the work that ACS is doing to help in this key area.

The following companies have been shortlisted to demonstrate their product or service at the event:

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Book Your Place at Summit19, the Definitive Convenience Sector Event!

Tickets are now available for Summit19, the definitive convenience event of the year.

Summit19 is an unmissable conference, bringing together leading figures in the convenience sector with industry experts from around the world to take part in a discussion about the opportunities for retailers and suppliers in convenience, both now and in the future. This year’s conference will address two critical questions facing the sector, in two business sessions:

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