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Book Now for the ACS/PRA Forecourt Conference 2018

The 2018 ACS/PRA Forecourt Conference is the must-attend event for anyone interested in fuel retailing. Taking place on 3rd July at the King Power Stadium in Leicester, the Forecourt Conference is the perfect opportunity to discuss the sector and hear from industry experts about issues affecting forecourt retailers.

The forecourt sector is made up of over 8,400 stores and provides jobs to over 109,000 people. The conference will look at the future of forecourt convenience, opportunities for growth and the challenges they face.

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General Data Protection Regulations Come Into Force on May 25th

GDPR (the General Data Protection Regulations) come into force tomorrow (25th May), impacting all organisations handling personal information linked to EU residents. GDPR is a regulation drawn up by the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission to give individuals more control over how their personal data is used online. 

Retailers need to be aware of the new regulations and ensure that they are compliant in terms of the personal data of their employees, suppliers and customers.

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ACS Supports Disability Confident Campaign

ACS is supporting a campaign to promote Disability Confident in retail. 

The retail sector is the largest employer in the UK. People are at the core of what retailers do. The sector needs a strong pool of talent to draw from, and to be able to support existing employees.

Skill shortages in the labour market mean that the competition to recruit and retain good people is high. Retailers need to explore all potential sources of talent and they need to have the know-how to make their businesses inclusive places to work. 

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ACS Calls for a Clampdown on Unregulated Hand Car Washes

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has submitted evidence to an inquiry launched by the Environmental Audit Committee into the regulation of hand car washes, calling for better enforcement of existing regulations and the consideration of licensing scheme.

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New Cash Machine Charges Bill Seeks to Secure Future of ATMs in Rural Areas

Labour MP Ged Killen has tabled a new Bill seeking to ensure the provision of cash machines in the future, heavily criticising LINK’s decision to reduce the interchange fees paid to ATM operators.

The Bill seeks to provide a legal requirement for access to cash withdrawals through ATMs or other means where there is a demand for it. Such demand would be established through a full market review of the ATM network by the Payment Systems Regulator. The Bill would also remove charges for ATM transactions so that all ATMs would be free-to-use.

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Veg Power Fund for Advertising of Healthy Products Reaches Over £35,000

VegPower, a fund launched at the beginning of this month to encourage people to eat more vegetables has already reached over £35,000.

The marketing fund will use the top people in the advertising industry to create innovative digital campaigns targeted at children, with the aim of inspiring them to eat more vegetables. The crowdfund has been live for just over a week and has already reached £35,110. The aim is to raise a total of £100,000. More details about the crowdfund are available here:

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Last Chance to Book for the Responsible Retailing Forum

ACS’ Responsible Retailing Forum is now less than a week away, taking place on 16th May. The forum aims to provide convenience retailers with latest policy developments as well as the tools and knowledge to ensure that their stores are trading legally and responsibly.

This year’s Forum will focus on environmental issues, tobacco track and trace, changing age restrictions, and the latest alcohol policy update.

Speakers confirmed include:

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ACS Welcomes New Government Inquiry on Future of High Streets

ACS has welcomed the launch of a new inquiry led by the Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee on the future of UK high streets and town centres.

The inquiry will examine the future role of the high street in contributing to the local economy and the health, cohesion and cultural life of the local community. It will also look at how local areas are planning for the future of their high streets and town centres and creating the conditions to sustain them in the coming years.

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