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Book Your Place at the 2018 Crime Seminar on 20th March

The 2018 Crime Seminar will feature a first look at the 2018 Crime Report, detailing the impact of crime on the convenience sector from shop theft and fraud to abuse, violent incidents and burglaries.

The Seminar will also see the launch of new guidance which has been designed to help staff in stores mitigate the impact of crime.  

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Reward of up to £5,000 Offered for Information on Service Station Robbery and Assault

The charity Crimestoppers and The Association of Convenience Stores (ACS) are today offering a reward of up to £5,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the people responsible for the aggravated robbery of a Hampshire service station.

The incident happened on February 17th at around 4.25am at the Esso garage at Stoney Cross on the westbound carriageway of the A31, which saw one of two staff members working that morning assaulted with a crowbar. The victim was treated for a head injury at Royal Bournemouth Hospital.

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Retail Sector Council Launched

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has launched a new Retail Sector Council to address challenges faced by the retail industry. The group, made up of senior leaders from the industry, will be co-chaired by retail minister Andrew Griffiths MP and Richard Pennycook, chair of Fenwick and the British Retail Consortium, and former CEO at the Co-op.

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Chief Executive's Blog: Energy Drinks

There's been a lot of debate recently about the sale of energy drinks to children.  It's interesting to see the dynamics of this issue: Jamie Oliver, buoyed by his success in persuading the government to introduce a levy on sugary drinks, has now turned his sights directly to the retailers who sell high caffeine drinks.  How do you, as a retailer, and we, as a trade body, respond to such a campaign?

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Retailers Welcome ‘Long Overdue’ 12 Month Backbilling Limit

ACS has welcomed energy regulator Ofgem’s announcement of a mandatory 12-month limit on backbilling for microbusinesses.

Ofgem’s announcement states: ‘Many suppliers have signed up to, or follow, a voluntary agreement not to backbill customers past 12 months. However, the voluntary agreement does not cover all suppliers, and those that have signed up do not always follow this agreement. Ofgem, which consulted on this issue last year, has decided to ban all domestic and microbusiness suppliers from issuing backbills for energy used more than 12 months ago.’ 

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Old £10 Note to Be Withdrawn from Circulation on March 1st

March 1st (Thursday) is the last day until the old £10 note is removed from circulation. The notes will cease to be legal tender after this date. 

The new polymer £10 note was issued on 14 September 2017, features Jane Austen and is 132mm x 69mm. The current paper £10 note features Charles Darwin and is 142mm x 75mm.

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ACS Welcomes Plastic Bag Charging in 25 Year Environment Plan 

ACS has responded to the Environmental Audit Committee’s inquiry into the government’s 25 Year Environment Plan, welcoming the government’s ambition to reduce the impact of single-use plastics, including action to extend plastic bag charging.

The Environment Plan was announced in January by Prime Minister Theresa May, setting out a range of targets to improve the environment and increase recycling rates. 

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Michael Page, Polymer Logistics and Christie & Co Announced as Summit18 Sponsors

ACS is delighted to announce Michael Page, Polymer Logistics and Christie & Co as the sponsors for Summit 18.

Summit18 is the biggest convenience store sector event of the year. The conference brings together hundreds of retailers, suppliers and industry experts from around the globe to look at the future opportunities within the sector and provide essential key insights for everyone to take home and implement in their business.

Speakers already confirmed for Summit18 include:

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