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Summit 17: Download the ACS Events App Today!

We are just days away from the biggest convenience event of the year, Summit17. As part of the event, we’ll be asking for your views during the sessions, interacting with the speakers and shaping the agenda.

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Theresa May Announces Plans for General Election on June 8th

Prime Minister Theresa May has today announced plans to hold a General Election on June 8th this year, with the primary intention of securing a mandate to deliver the UK’s exit from the European Union.

For an election to take place, two thirds of Parliament must approve the plan. It is likely that the plans will go through, as all major parties have welcomed the Election announcement.

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Rate Relief Must be Delivered Quickly to the Hardest Hit Retailers

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has called on the Government to ensure that councils have full discretion over the business rates relief fund announced at the Budget, and that decisions about the eligibility of retailers are made quickly to support those facing the biggest increases.

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Lords Committee Recommends Tighter Restrictions on Alcohol Promotions

The Association of Convenience Stores has responded to the publication of a House of Lords Committee Review into the Licensing Act, raising concerns about recommendations made on alcohol promotions and licensing fees.

The 168 page review recommends further restrictions on alcohol promotions (which are already in place in Scotland), whilst also recommending giving power to local authorities to increase licensing fees in their area, resulting in additional costs for local shops, pubs, and restaurants.

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LPC: Small Businesses Most Heavily Affected by Living Wage Rates

The Low Pay Commission have published their assessment of the impact of the National Living Wage on businesses over the last year, noting that smaller businesses have been more heavily affected than their larger counterparts.

The report shows that both the number of people and the number of hours worked have fallen over the last year in the smallest businesses. Regionally, overall employment has also fallen over the last year in the North East, North West, the East of England and Scotland.

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Local Shops Reiterate Opposition to Bottle Deposit Plans

Trade associations representing convenience stores across England, Wales and Scotland have reiterated their position on plans for a bottle return scheme, outlining the problems that the scheme would cause for retailers. The Association of Convenience Stores and the Scottish Grocers Federation have written to the Scottish government, highlighting the following concerns about deposit return schemes (DRS):

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