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Information for Retailers on the New £1 Coin

The Government and Royal Mint are supporting retailers to prepare as the 30-year-old round pound coin is brought out of circulation and replaced with a new 12-sided version. The target week for the introduction of the new coin is the last week of March 2017.

The new pound coin will be the most secure of its kind in the world. This is to combat counterfeiters. There are around 45 million counterfeit £1 coins currently in circulation, generating significant cost to industry and taxpayers.

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Proposed PRS Tariffs Could Cost Convenience Sector Over £1.2m

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has responded to the PRS for Music consultation on the simplification of the PRS retail tariff, raising concerns that the changes will hit the smallest shops the hardest.

Under the proposals, any business that previously had a reduced rate for having a small audible area (by broadcasting through a single radio or television) will incur a £51.50 increase to their rates each year.

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Gap Widens Between Stores as Convenience Sector Invests over £210m in Last Quarter

The ACS Investment Tracker has revealed a mixed picture of investment in Britain’s local shops.  Convenience stores across the UK have invested a record £210m in store improvements in the past three months, driven by multiple convenience retailers spending  around £9,500 per store.  However, investment levels among independent retailers have fallen to their lowest level since the survey began in 2012.

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New Minimum Wage Rates Apply from October 1st 2016

The Government has accepted the Low Pay Commission’s recommendations for minimum wage rates for 2016-17, with the new rates to apply from October 1st.

The rates applicable for those aged 25 or under are set out below. For those over 25 the national living wage – currently £7.20 – will apply. The Low Pay Commission will make recommendations this Autumn on the rate of the National Living Wage to apply from April 2017.

The new rates are as follows:

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ACS Renews Call for Universal Carrier Bag Charge in England

ACS has reiterated its calls to Government to remove the exemption for small businesses on single use carrier bags in England.

Under the current regulations, small businesses with fewer than 250 employees are exempt from the carrier bag charging regulations, meaning that they do not have to charge 5p for single use bags. However, many stores have introduced a charge voluntarily to raise money for local causes. These rules only apply in England, as in Scotland and Wales the bag charge applies to all businesses regardless of size.

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ACS Announces New Chair and Deputy Chair

ACS has confirmed the appointment of Patrick Sewell and Debbie Robinson as chair and deputy chair respectively.

Patrick will take on the chairmanship of ACS from 1 November 2016, having served as deputy chair since 2014. Patrick will replace Palmer and Harvey Group Strategy and Development Director Paul Hagon as chair, who remains on the ACS board.

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