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New Regulations on Sale of Potential Explosive Precursors

From today (2nd September 2014) new regulations require retailers to assess the products they sell and to report suspicious transactions of bomb-making materials and their precursors (chemicals that can be used to manufacture explosives). The suspicious transaction reporting regime will apply to customers buying specific products who:

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Lowman: Sunday Trading Regulations an 'Enduring Compromise'

 ACS Chief Executive James Lowman has appeared on BBC radio and television to discuss the retention of current Sunday Trading regulations.

Speaking on Radio 5 Live and BBC Breakfast this morning on the 20 year anniversary of the introduction of the Sunday trading rules, Mr Lowman spoke of the important compromise that balances economic, social and cultural considerations.

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ACS Assured Advice Guides on Health & Safety & Selling Fireworks

‘Managing Health And Safety’ and ‘Selling Fireworks’ are the two latest Assured Advice Guides published by ACS under its innovative primary authority compliance scheme. The scheme, which is free to all ACS members, provides retailers with excellent tailored advice developed by retail and local authority experts.

Once members sign up to the scheme and use the guidance, they can be sure that their policies and procedures will not be challenged or changed by any other local authority.

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ACS Welcomes HMRC Pledge to Work With Licensing Authorities

ACS has welcomed a new crackdown on the illicit trade in tobacco and alcohol announced by HM Revenue and Customs.

ACS Chief Executive James Lowman said: “We believe that any retailer who sells non-duty paid alcohol or tobacco should be subject to the full force of the law. This new wave of activity from HMRC is a welcome sign, and their commitment to working with licensing authorities gives hope that more retailers selling illicit alcohol and tobacco will lose their licence.”

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Great British High Street Competition Enters Final Week

High Streets Minister Penny Mordaunt has urged town and cities across Britain to get their applications in for the Great British High Street competition before it closes on 30 August 2014.

The minister has written to all town teams and the local community to encourage them to take part in the competition, run by the Future High Street Forum, to find Britain's best high streets. Many town teams have already entered the 7 separate categories: city centres, town centres, market towns, coastal communities, villages, parades and London.

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Lowman: Shop Theft Is Not Victimless

ACS Chief Executive, James Lowman, featured today on BBC Radio 2, the Jeremy Vine Show, talking about shop theft and a scheme in Durham proposing to let first time shop thieves off without any formal sanction.

Lowman said: “We support innovative approaches to tackling shop theft but we worry about the message that this sends. Shop theft is not a victimless crime, it has very serious implications for retailers, their staff and business.”

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Opus Energy Commit to Ending Rollover Contracts

ACS has welcomed an announcement from energy company Opus on plans to stop the use of rollover contracts.

In an announcement posted on the company’s website, Opus state that will cease offering the automatic rollover contracts to all new customers as of October 2014. All existing customer contracts will stop auto-renewal by Spring 2015.

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ACS Calls on Retailers to Respond to National Minimum Wage Survey

ACS is calling on retailers to respond to the National Minimum Wage survey 2015 to inform the convenience sector’s response to Low Pay Commission’s call for evidence on minimum wage rates in 2015. 

The LPC is an independent body that advises the government on future the National Minimum Wage consulting with the business community and unions.

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