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Book your place now for the ACS Local Shop Report 2014 Launch

On September 10th, ACS will be launching the latest edition of its flagship research project, The Local Shop Report 2014, at an exclusive event at The Studio in Birmingham.

The report brings together new ACS research with existing data from him!, William Reed and IGD to give a compelling snapshot of the convenience sector today. Previous reports have been used in the industry by retailers, suppliers, Government, academics and analysts as the baseline for understanding the local shop market.

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Ofgem Takes Important Step toward End of Automatic Rollovers

ACS has hailed a new consultation from energy regulator Ofgem as the beginning of the end for rollover contracts.

In the consultation, published today, Ofgem have announced that they will be monitoring the activity of suppliers who still use automatic rollover contracts for their customers over the next six months. Ofgem have stated that if it cannot be proven that rollover contracts provide a tangible benefit to business consumers, there will be no place for them in the market in the future. 

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Convenience Stores Driving Growth on Britains High Streets

ACS has welcomed new research from Southampton University, outlining the crucial role that convenience stores are playing in the nation’s recovery.

The report suggests that despite pressure from out of town retailers and online shopping, many high streets are succeeding as convenience stores adapt their ranges and offer more services to busy consumers.

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Supermarket Levy Would Set Dangerous Precedent

ACS has responded to a call by 20 councils for powers to impose a new levy on supermarkets. Councils have made this bid for new powers using the procedures laid down in the Sustainable Communities Act 2007. Under the Act Councils can submit requests for changes in national legislation or taxation to the Government, which is legally required to consider the request, although not to agree to it. A similar request made in 2013 was rejected by Ministers.

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Regulatory Policy Committee Raise Key Concerns over Plain Packs Assessment

The Regulatory Policy Committee has published their Opinion on the Impact Assessment for the introduction of plain packaging in the UK, raising a number of concerns about the Department of Health’s analysis of the impact on businesses. In the document, released today, the RPC has called on the Department of Health to look at the following areas with regard to impact on businesses:

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ACS Welcomes Simon Danczuk MP As New Small Shops Group Chair

Simon Danczuk, Rochdale MP, will take on the Chairmanship of the All Party Parliamentary Small Shops Group following Priti Patel MP’s promotion in the Government reshuffle to Exchequer Secretary. ACS Chief Executive James Lowman, said: “We are pleased that Simon is taking on the Chairmanship of the Small Shops Group. Simon already has an exemplary record campaigning on small shop issues such as business rates and planning policy. We would look forward to working with Simon over the coming months to get local shops’ voices heard in Parliament.”

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Justice Minister Pledges Meeting on Protection of Workers Selling Alcohol

Minister of State for Justice, Rt Hon Lord Faulks, has agreed to a meeting to discuss the protection of workers who sell alcohol as part of a debate in the Criminal Justice and Courts Bill.

The debate, which took place last night (21st July), concerned an amendment that would have given extra legal protection to staff who are assaulted whilst selling alcohol by creating a separate summary offence on a worker enforcing the provision of the Licensing Act for the sale of alcohol.

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Enter the Sales Assistant of the Year Award to Win £1000

Convenience Store magazine is looking for the sales assistant of the year 2014.


The overall winner will be crowned at a spectacular lunch at The Dorchester on Tuesday 11 November and claim a £1,000 prize.

As an added incentive, the store manager who enters the overall Sales Assistant of the Year 2014 will also pick up a £250 prize.

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