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New Polymer £50 Note Enters Circulation Today

The new polymer £50 note has entered circulation today (Wednesday 23rd June), featuring the scientist Alan Turing.

ACS is urging retailers to ensure that they aware of the notes’ security features as it begins to be used by customers.

The polymer £50 note contains advanced security features, including:

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ACS: Cautious Approach Needed to Future Wage Rates

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) is calling for a cautious approach to increasing the National Living Wage (NLW) and other statutory minimum wage rates in 2022/23 to allow the labour market and economy to recover from the impact of the pandemic.

Informed by ACS’ National Living Wage Survey 2021, ACS’ submission recommends that the Low Pay Commission (LPC) should consider extending the timetable for NLW reaching two-thirds of median earnings by 2024, which is currently projected to be £10.33.

Findings from ACS’ National Living Wage Survey 2021 show that:

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Chief Executive's Blog: Finding and Keeping Great People

Pop into your local town centre, or look online, and you’ll see countless adverts for jobs in hospitality. Pubs, hotels and restaurants are facing acute staff shortages with the continuation of the furlough scheme until September, the loss of some potential workers from the EU who may feel less able or inclined to come to work in post-Brexit Britain, and the additional time lags and hassle brought about by Covid testing regimes. All this adds up to another blow to hospitality which is of course at the sharp end of the pandemic in any case.

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ACS’ Virtual Study Tour Now Available on Demand

ACS’ Virtual Study Tour is now available on the member portal!

The Virtual Study Tour is an opportunity to be shown around a diverse range of stores across the country followed by a discussion and Q&A session with the retailers to hear about their business. 

The June 2021 Study Tour featured three fantastic retailers talking about their stores with the ACS team, followed by a panel session discussing what they learned about each others' businesses, and what both retailers and suppliers can take away from the tour. 

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Government Responds to Consultation on Takeaway Calorie Labelling

The Department of Health and Social Care has confirmed that mandatory calorie labelling will be introduced for large businesses in the out-of-home food and drink sector.  

DHSC have responded to its consultation on requiring businesses in the out-of-home sector (any outlet where food and drink is prepared for immediate consumption by the person who buys it) to include mandatory calorie labelling, announcing that the measures will be introduced for businesses with more than 250 employees.

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