Press Releases

ACS Encourages Retailers to Get Involved in Campaign to Encourage Inclusivity

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) is encouraging retailers to get involved with a campaign which aims to increase awareness of how vital our senses are to living life to the full, especially for people with complex disabilities.

Throughout July, national disability charity Sense is encouraging people to host a Sensational Tea Party – a bake sale/coffee morning with a sensory twist. The aim of these tea parties is to help communities reconnect, create conversation and break down barriers as well as raising vital funds to support people with complex disabilities

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Champions of #ShopKind Campaign Announced!

Today, (19th May), new #ShopKind Champions from across the retail industry, policing community, Government and Parliament have been announced. 

#ShopKind Champions have been nominated to spread the message of the #ShopKind campaign; encourage positive behaviours in shops, acknowledge the important role of shopworkers and raise the profile of the problem of violence and abuse against shopworkers.

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ACS: Everyone Welcome in Local Shops!

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has launched new comprehensive guide for retailers on how to provide excellent customer service for all customers including the millions of customers with disabilities and different needs.

Launched today (18th May), the Everyone Welcome Guide provides advice for retailers both in terms of how stores can be adapted and how colleagues can provide a welcoming environment for all customers.

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ACS: UK Tobacco Track and Trace System Transition

From 1st July, the UK tobacco track and system will be moving from the current IT provider De La Rue (DLR) to a new IT provider called Dentsu.

Since 20th May 2019, tobacco manufacturers have been required to provide unique identifier codes on cigarettes and hand-rolling tobacco products. Cigarettes and hand rolling tobacco must also be tracked through the supply chain. This means that distributors, wholesalers and retailers with distribution centres are required to scan these products in and out of their warehouses.

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Queen's Speech: Commitments on Levelling Up and Access to Cash Welcomed by Local Shops

ACS has welcomed commitments made by the Government in today’s Queen’s Speech to regenerate town centres and high streets, and protect the millions of people in the UK who still use cash every day. 

One of the headline Bills announced in the Queen’s Speech was the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill. Measures to be proposed in the Bill, which follow the Levelling Up White Paper published in February this year, include: 

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ACS Launches People Hub for Members

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has developed a brand-new package of employment resources for retailers, supporting effective recruitment, retention and progression across the convenience sector.

The ACS People Hub has been launched to support members within a competitive labour market and follows the launch of the ACS Wellbeing Guide in September.

The People Hub, accessible via the ACS Member Portal, includes content on:

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ACS: Take Part in the 2022 National Living Wage Survey!

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) is calling on retailers to take part in its annual National Living Wage Survey.

ACS’ National Living Wage Survey will inform ACS’ submission to the Low Pay Commission’s consultation on future wage rates. The consultation is seeking views on:

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