Press Releases

Plastic Bag Charge to Increase to 10p and Extend to All Businesses on 21 May

ACS has welcomed the long-awaited extension of plastic bag charging to all businesses from 21 May, which will provide consistency for consumers and further opportunity for retailers to raise money for good causes.

From 21st May in England, the minimum charge for plastic bags will increase from 5p to 10p per bag, and will be applicable to all businesses regardless of size. The plastic bag charge is already applicable to all businesses in Scotland and Wales.

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ACS Launches Raj Aggarwal Trophy to Celebrate Outstanding Community Retailers

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) is pleased to announce that the Raj Aggarwal Trophy will be launched on Thursday 6th May.

Applications are welcome from any convenience store operator, independent retailers and managers of multiple-owned outlets.

To enter, applicants must submit a short film (maximum of 5 minutes), which will show:

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ACS: Changes to the Sale of Domestic Solid Fuels Comes Into Force From 1st May

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) is reminding convenience retailers about the upcoming changes to the sale of manufactured solid fuels and wood.

From 1st May 2021, retail businesses in England including convenience stores, supermarkets and forecourts must not sell traditional house coal (bituminous coal).

Permitted manufactured solid fuels and wood also can only be sold as follows:

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ACS: Planning System Must Protect Local High Streets and Communities

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has responded to a House of Commons Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee inquiry on the Government’s approach to permitted development rights (PDR), highlighting the need for the Government to protect the integrity of local high streets and access to essential services.

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ACS Highlights Vital Role of Local Shops to Mayoral Candidates Ahead of Upcoming Elections

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has briefed all current and prospective combined authority mayoral candidates ahead of the elections taking place on 6th May.

In the briefing, ACS provided candidates with convenience sector data specific to their combined authority, including information on: the number of local shops, number of jobs and investment made by convenience retailers over the last year.

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Introduction of Plastic Bag Charge in Small Shops Delayed

DEFRA (the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) have confirmed that changes to plastic bag charge regulations will now not come into force on 30th April.

Changes to the single use carrier bag charge rules will see the minimum charge for a plastic bag rise from 5p to 10p, and all businesses included within the rules, where previously only those with more than 250 employees have been included.

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ACS: Government Supports Amendment to Introduce Cashback Without Purchase

The Government has agreed an amendment to the Financial Services Bill which will enable shops to offer cashback to customers without making a purchase.

The amendment to the House of Lords Financial Services Bill, tabled by Conservative Peer Lord Holmes of Richmond, will remove an existing requirement for retailers to register with the Financial Conduct Authority to offer cashback without an in-store purchase within the same transaction. 

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ACS Launches National Living Wage Survey 2021

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) is calling on retailers to respond to its annual National Living Wage Survey.

Launched today (16th April), ACS’ National Living Wage Survey will inform ACS’ submission to the Low Pay Commission’s consultation on future wage rates. The consultation is seeking views on:

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