Press Releases

Scottish Government Publishes Plans for More Restrictive HFSS Rules

The Scottish Government has published its plans to restrict the sale of HFSS products through additional rules on price promotions and the location of HFSS products in stores, with the intention of putting in place more restrictions than those already in place in England.

While the proposals, scheduled for implementation 12 months after regulations are laid in the Scottish Parliament, broadly follow those that have been introduced in England, additional restrictions being proposed include:

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Scottish Government Confirms Plans to Ban Disposable Vapes in 2025

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has called on the Scottish Government to consider the impact of its proposed disposable vaping ban on the illicit market. 

The Scottish Government has today published regulations and a short two week consultation on plans to ban disposable vapes by April 2025. 

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ACS Welcomes FCA’s Proposals to Require Banks and Building to Improve Cash Access

ACS have welcomed the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) proposals to ensure that banks and building societies consider reasonable cash access services and has repeated its calls for a review of interchange fees.

These services are essential for the convenience sector – over 50% of store transactions are still conducted using cash, 40% of shops currently host ATMs, and 23% still house post offices. With banks and building societies facing closures across the UK, convenience stores have become ever more essential for the public to access their money and use essential services.

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Rural Shops More Important Than Ever to Isolated Communities

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) is celebrating the crucial role that rural shops play in thousands of communities across the UK as part of the launch of the 2024 Rural Shop Report.

The 2024 Rural Shop Report, launched today in Parliament, outlines the difference that the UK’s 17,986 rural shops make as secure local employers, as entrepreneurs investing and working with local businesses, and as essential service providers.

Key findings from the 2024 Rural Shop Report include:

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ACS Welcomes Continued Small Shop Exemption from Unit Pricing Regulations

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has welcomed the Government’s decision to continue exempting small shops from unit pricing regulations.

In its response to the consultation on improving price transparency and product information for consumers, the Department of Business and Trade has concluded that there is no compelling case for removing the exemption. The majority of respondents to the consultation, including ACS, supported this outcome.

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ACS Welcomes Plans to Give More Businesses Access to Energy Ombudsman

ACS has responded to a consultation launched by energy regulator Ofgem, welcoming proposals to expand the number of businesses that have access to the Energy Ombudsman.

In the consultation, Ofgem outlines its plans to expand the support that the Energy Ombudsman provides to include a wider range of businesses. Under current rules, the Ombudsman can only help businesses that meet Ofgem’s microbusiness definition, but the proposals would expand that to businesses with up to 50 employees.

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ACS Announces One Stop as Latest Headline Sponsor for Conference24

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) is delighted to announce that One Stop is supporting ACS Conference24 as a headline sponsor. 

Conference24 takes place on April 30th at the Vox in Birmingham, co-located with the National Convenience Show. This year’s agenda is focused on recognising changes in consumer behaviour and examining how retailers can respond to succeed in the future. One Stop joins Mondelez | Snack Display as the two headline sponsors of the event. 

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FCA Proposes New Rules to Protect Access to Cash

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has proposed new rules to protect access to cash for businesses and consumers across the UK.

The FCA has launched a consultation on a new regulatory regime, which would require banks and building societies, designated by the Government, to assess and address gaps, or potential gaps, in cash access provision in our local communities.

Under the proposals, designated firms will be required to:

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