Press Releases

DRS in Scotland Delayed Until October 2025 At the Earliest

The Scottish Government have delayed the introduction of its planned deposit return scheme until at least October 2025, after the UK Government blocked the inclusion of glass in the scheme.

In a statement to the Scottish Parliament today, Minister for Green Skills, Circular Economy and Biodiversity Lorna Slater MSP said: “The UK Government has offered no justification for removing one of the most significant parts of the deposit return scheme, the inclusion of glass. We have been left with no other option than to delay the introduction of DRS until October 2025 at the earliest.”

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ACS Urges Cautious Approach to Future Wage Rates

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has called for a cautious approach to the setting of future National Living Wage (NLW) rates in a submission to the Low Pay Commission.

In the submission, ACS has urged the Low Pay Commission to recognise the unique challenges faced by businesses, including local shops, as a result of the cost of living crisis and increased operating costs.

In April 2023, the National Living Wage increased by 9.7% from £9.50 per hour to £10.42, in line with the Government’s target to reach two-thirds of median earnings by 2024.

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Government Publishes Guidance on Single-Use Plastics Ban in England

The Government has published guidance to help businesses prepare for the ban on single-use plastics which is due to come into force in October.

From 1st October 2023, retailers will not be able supply, sell or offer the following single-use plastic items:

  • Plates
  • Trays
  • Bowls
  • Cutlery
  • Balloon sticks
  • Certain types of polystyrene cups and food containers

Retailers are advised to sell through existing stock before October, source alternative single-use materials and consider offering more reusable items.

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ACS Welcomes Plans for Tougher Sanctions on Illicit Tobacco

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has responded to a HM Revenue and Customs consultation on tougher sanctions to tackle illicit tobacco, welcoming measures that could reduce the impact of the illicit trade on both retailers and consumers.

HMRC is considering the introduction of fines for up to £10,000 for persistent offenders selling large quantities of illicit tobacco, and the six-month removal of track and trace codes (economic operator ID) for severe cases of non-compliance.

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ACS Welcomes New Plan to Build a Resilient Retail Sector in Wales

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has welcomed a new plan launched by the Welsh Government and Wales Retail Forum, which has been developed to build a more resilient retail sector in Wales.

Published today (19th May) the Together for Retail: a Wales Retail Forum Action Plan highlights a number of key actions, including:

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ACS Updates DRS Guide for Retailers in Scotland

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has updated its comprehensive DRS guide for Scotland to reflect the delay to the scheme. The Scottish Deposit Return Scheme was due to go live this year on 16th August but has now been delayed until 1st March 2024.

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Scottish Deposit Return Scheme Delayed Until March 2024

Today (18th April) Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf MSP announced that there will be a delay to the introduction of a Deposit Return Scheme (DRS), as part of a speech on his priorities for government over the next three years.

The Scottish Deposit Return Scheme was due to go live on 16th August but will now be delayed until 1st March 2024. England, Wales and Northern Ireland have also announced plans for a Deposit Return Scheme, coming into force in 2025. 

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