Press Releases

It’s Not Part of the Job: Retail Sector United in Call for End to Violence Against Shopworkers

Members of the Association of Convenience Stores, British Retail Consortium, National Federation of Retail Newsagents and the shopworkers union, USDAW, presented a united voice to Government at a parliamentary event on Tuesday, calling for an end to violence against shopworkers.

Evidence from the industry and official Home Office figures show that there is a growing problem of violence and abuse in the retail sector. This is despite retailers investing £1.2 billion in crime prevention equipment and training to protect shopworkers from violence, abuse and crime.

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Local Shops Face Over 50,000 Incidents of Violence Last Year

2020 Crime Report Sets out Evidence for Action on Crime Against Convenience Sector

Britain’s local shops have been the victim of over 50,000 incidents of violence over the last year, according to new figures from the Association of Convenience Stores’ 2020 Crime Report.

The Crime Report, being launched this week, provides evidence of the scale and impact of theft, violence, abuse and other crimes committed against convenience store retailers and their staff, setting out a clear vision for how the Government and the justice system can take action.

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MPs and Industry Groups United on Securing Access to Cash

The Association of Convenience Stores, British Retail Consortium, Federation of Small Businesses, Positive Money and Responsible Finance are urging the Chancellor to use next week’s Budget to secure long-term access to cash across the UK.

16 Conservative MPs have supported  action on access to cash in a private letter to the Chancellor submitted today (Thursday). The letter outlines that to secure long-term access to cash, the Chancellor should use his Budget to:

•             Reverse the cuts to interchange fees paid by banks to fund the network

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ACS: Minimum Unit Pricing Comes Into Force in Wales

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) is urging all convenience store retailers in Wales to ensure that their business is compliant with the new Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) regulations which came into force today.

From today (2nd March), all licensed premises, including convenience stores, must comply with the Public Health (Minimum Price for Alcohol) (Wales) Act 2018. This means that retailers must not sell alcohol below 50p per unit.

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Government Dismisses Treasury Committee’s Concerns on Business Rates

ACS has called on the Government to get on with its fundamental review of business rates after broadly dismissing recommendations made by the Treasury Select Committee.

The Government’s official response to the Treasury Select Committee’s inquiry on business rates, published today, defends the operation of the current business rates system and commits to the Committee’s concerns being dealt with as part of an upcoming fundamental review.

Issues raised by the Treasury Select Committee as part of their inquiry include:

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MPs Raise Local Shops' Concerns on DRS in Parliamentary Debate

During a debate on the second reading of the Environment Bill, MPs have echoed concerns raised by ACS about the details of the introduction of a Deposit Return Scheme in England and Wales.

Speaking during the debate, Mark Pawsey MP said: “We need to consider the number of return points, whether cafes and restaurants will be included, and if the scheme will provide an exemption for small retailers who lack the space to install a reverse vending machine, and there are serious questions for the Minister about who’s going to pay for it.”

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