Press Releases

ACS Launches Guidance for Retailers on Menthol Cigarette Ban

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has launched guidance for retailers on the upcoming ban on the sale of menthol cigarettes which comes into force from 20th May 2020.

The European Union Revised Tobacco Products Directive (2014/40/EU) makes it an offence for manufacturers to produce menthol cigarettes and retailers to sell menthol cigarettes from 20th May 2020.

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ACS: Welsh Government to Remove Rates Relief on ATMs

The Welsh Government has announced plans to proceed with an Order to remove Small Business Rate Relief (SBRR) from ATMs as of April next year.

The decision follows a consultation launched by the Welsh Government which sought views on the Non-Domestic Rating (Small Business Relief) (Wales) (Amendment) Order 2019 and the provision of free-to-use ATMs and access to cash in Wales.

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Investment Levels in Convenience Sector Fall By One Quarter over Past Year

Convenience retailers are responding with caution to continued uncertainty around the Brexit process and the upcoming General Election by delaying and scaling back on investments in their stores over the last year.

Figures from the Association of Convenience Stores’ Investment Tracker show that in the 12 months to November 2019, the UK’s 46,000 local shops have invested £558m in their businesses, down from £737m in the previous year – a year on year decline of 24%.

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ACS: Convenience Stores are Vital to Welsh Communities and Economy

New research launched today (3rd December) by the Association of Convenience Stores has revealed the important role that convenience stores play to both the economy and local communities in Wales.

The 2020 Welsh Local Shop Report revealed that 62% of local shops in Wales operate in rural locations, providing essential services to their local communities, including bill payment services (79%), cash machines (68%) and Post Offices (25%).

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ACS Encourages Retailers to Host Store Visits with their Local Candidates

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) is encouraging retailers to host store visits during the General Election campaign 2019 with their local candidates to communicate the important economic and social contribution that convenience retailers make to their communities.

Hosting a store visit is an effective way for retailers to ensure that their local candidates are aware of the issues that affect their business and can also help them to understand how to support the people and businesses in the convenience sector.

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ACS: Prime Minister Announces Package of Measures to Help Businesses

Today (18th November) Prime Minister Boris Johnson unveiled a package of measures in his speech to the annual CBI conference which aim to “help business flourish”.

In his speech, Johnson announced plans for a fundamental review of the business rates system to reduce the burden on businesses.

Figures from the ACS 2019 Local Shop Report show that the convenience sector currently pays around £308m in business rates. 

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ACS: Urgent Action Needed to Protect Access to Cash

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has welcomed calls from consumer group Which? urging commitment from the next Government to guarantee access to cash after new analysis revealed that hundreds of communities do not have access to a single ATM.

Today (14th November) Which? revealed that there are over 250 communities across the UK that have poor ATM provision or no ATMs at all. A further 129 communities have access to only one ATM and 65% of these are charged cash machines.

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Scottish Government Must Clarify Details of How DRS Will Work for Retailers

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has given evidence to the Scottish Parliament’s Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee on the proposed regulations of a deposit return scheme in Scotland.

In the evidence session, ACS called for the Scottish Government to ensure that the regulations consider the impact on local shops, emphasising the operational, cost and time pressures that the draft regulations would have on the colleagues in store.

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ACS Supports USDAW’s Respect for Shopworkers Week

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) is supporting USDAW’s Respect for Shopworkers Week, highlighting the need for urgent action to tackle violence and abuse towards shopworkers.

Taking place between 11th-17th November, this year’s theme is ‘Keep Your Cool’, reminding the public that there is never an excuse for violent or abusive behaviour.

The Home Office call for evidence on violence and abuse toward shop staff closed in June and received over 800 responses from individual shopworkers, small shopkeepers, unions and business organisations.

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