Press Releases

ACS: Access to Cash Needs to be Protected

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has called for greater protection for access to cash, highlighting the role that convenience stores play in offering this service to their local communities.

New figures today (22nd July) from LINK, the UK’s main cash machine network, show that cash withdrawals from ATMs declined year-on-year across the UK's nations and regions in early 2019.

Figures from the 2018 Local Shop Report show that 46% of convenience stores offer a free to use cash machine, with 16% offering a charging cash machine.

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Less than 8% of Reported Crime Results in an Offender being Charged

New figures published today by the Home Office have revealed that just 7.8% of crimes reported in the last year resulted in a charge or summons for offenders, down from 9.1% in the previous year.

The Crime Outcomes in England and Wales report from the Home Office outlines the different ways that reported crimes are dealt with by police. Across all crime, 44.4% of investigations result in no suspect being identified, rising to 74.4% for theft offences.

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ACS Raises Concerns over Plans for ‘All-In’ Deposit Return Scheme in England and Wales

The Association of Convenience Stores has urged Environment Secretary Michael Gove MP to re-think his support for an “all-in” deposit return scheme in England and Wales.  Speaking at Kew Gardens in London today, Mr Gove outlined his support for an approach that could require retailers to take back plastic, glass, metal, HDPE bottles and other containers as part of the proposed deposit return scheme, with no limits on the size of the container that can be returned.

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ACS Welcomes Government Commitment on “Rural Proofing” Policy

The Government has responded to the House of Lords Rural Economy Committee’s final report about how Government policy could strengthen rural businesses and communities.

The 2019 ACS Rural Shop Report reveals that rural convenience stores provide flexible jobs for almost 140,000 people, have invested over £271m in improving their businesses, and continue to provide a wide range of services despite slow broadband speeds and unreliable mobile connectivity.

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Low Pay Commissioner Visits Convenience Retailer

The Low Pay Commission has visited an East of England Co-op store in Gorleston as part of its Visits Programme in Great Yarmouth. ACS supports retailers to take part in the Low Pay Commission Visits Programme to provide first hand evidence about the impact of the National Living Wage and employment costs.

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ACS Gives Evidence on More Frequent Business Rate Revaluations

ACS has given evidence to the Non-Domestic Rating Bill Committee, welcoming the move to more frequent revaluations on business rates.

The evidence session comes after the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government confirmed changes to the frequency of business rates valuations earlier this month. The next revaluation, previously scheduled for 2022, will be brought forward to 2021, with revaluations taking place every three years thereafter instead of the current five year period.

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Independent Retailers’ Investment Plans at Record Low

New figures from the Association of Convenience Stores have revealed that fewer than one in ten retailers are planning to invest in their business in the future, a record low.

When asked about their business plans in the quarterly Voice of Local Shops Survey, only 9% of independent retailers said they planned to invest in their stores over the coming year. This is the lowest level seen since the survey began in 2012 and a decline from 16% last May.

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ACS: Future Wage Rates Must Not Be Political Bargaining Tool

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has submitted evidence to the Low Pay Commission as part of their consultation on future minimum wage rates, calling for the process to remain independent, evidence-based and free of political pressure.

Minimum wages are expected to reach the Low Pay Commission’s target of 60% of median earnings by 2020, a rate which is currently predicted to be £8.67 for the National Living Wage.  The Commission is currently consulting on its future remit post-2020.

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Government Confirms Change to More Frequent Business Rates Revaluations

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has welcomed an announcement from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government on changes to the frequency of business rates revaluations. The next revaluation, previously scheduled for 2022, will be brought forward to 2021, with revaluations taking place every three years thereafter instead of the current five year period.

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