Press Releases

ACS Welcomes Safe Car Wash App to Combat Modern Slavery

ACS has welcomed the launch of a new app to help consumers identify car washes that could be exploiting their workers.

The app has been developed by the Clewer Initiative, the Church of England’s campaign against modern slavery, and the Santa Marta Group, the Catholic Church’s anti-slavery project.

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Future National Living Wage Increases Must Not Come at the Expense of Jobs

ACS has called on the Low Pay Commission to ensure that future increases in wage rates do not negatively impact the labour market.  

Figures from the ACS Local Shop Report show that in the last three years, the number of jobs in the convenience sector has fallen from 407,000 in 2015 to 370,000 in 2017 despite the number of stores remaining stable.

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ACS Welcomes Support for New Protection of Shopworkers Bill in Scotland

ACS has welcomed widespread support for a Bill in Scotland creating a new offence designed to protect shopworkers from violence.

Over 90% of respondents to the consultation put forward by Daniel Johnson MSP supported measures to create new offences to deter harassment, abuse and violence against staff triggered by asking customers for proof of age or denying sale of age-restricted products.

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ACS: Retailers Need Clarity on Tobacco Track and Trace Regulations

ACS has called for clarity from HMRC with less than twelve months to go until the introduction of ‘track and trace’ regulations for tobacco products.

The ‘track and trace’ proposals in the EU Revised Tobacco Products Directive, due be introduced in May 2019, will put in place a new method of tracking the sale of legitimate tobacco products through the supply chain. The introduction of ‘track and trace’ will place a number of demands on retailers.

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ACS Welcomes New Government Inquiry on Future of High Streets

ACS has welcomed the launch of a new inquiry led by the Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee on the future of UK high streets and town centres.

The inquiry will examine the future role of the high street in contributing to the local economy and the health, cohesion and cultural life of the local community. It will also look at how local areas are planning for the future of their high streets and town centres and creating the conditions to sustain them in the coming years.

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Retailers Call for Clarity on DRS Proposals in Wales

ACS has welcomed the Welsh Government’s announcement that it will seek to work towards a UK-wide deposit return system in Wales.  ACS is calling for detailed consideration of the role that retailers can play in such a scheme, including the challenges and burdens that may arise from it.

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ACS Responds to Scottish Affairs Committee Inquiry on the ATM Network

ACS has submitted a joint response with SGF to the House of Commons Scottish Affairs Committee Inquiry on the ATM network, raising concerns about the impact that the removal of ATMs could have on local consumers, especially those in rural areas.

The Inquiry was launched as a result of a decision by LINK to reduce ATM interchange fees paid by banks to ATM operators and retailers by 20% over a four year period starting from July. The Inquiry is considering the impact of this decision on Scottish businesses, consumers and high streets.

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