Press Releases

DRS Would Harm Convenience Stores

The Association of Convenience Stores has reiterated its concerns about the impact that deposit return schemes would have on the convenience sector and overall recycling rates in a submission to the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. 

In the submission, ACS highlights that deposit return schemes would have significant implications for the convenience sector, increasing queueing times, posing health and safety risks for staff, and reducing the amount of space available in store.

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New Chair Announced for All Party Small Shops Group

The All Party Parliamentary Small Shops Group has confirmed Ruth George MP as its new chair at the group’s Annual General Meeting today.

Ruth George is the Labour MP for High Peak in Derbyshire, having been elected to Parliament in the 2017 General Election.

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Over 100 Local Authorities Still Yet to Distribute Discretionary Relief to Businesses

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has called on the Government to take further action to ensure that local authorities distribute rate relief properly after it was revealed that over 100 authorities were yet to issue amended bills to businesses.

The list, published this week by the Department of Communities and Local Government, shows that as of 13 November, 110 local authorities have not rebilled businesses to reflect the £300m discretionary relief scheme announced in the Spring Budget earlier this year.

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Government Rejects Tobacco Licensing for Retailers

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has welcomed the government’s decision not to progress with plans to introduce a tobacco licensing scheme for retailers, following a consultation last year. However, the Government has warned that EU regulations to track tobacco product through supply chains could require some additional requirements for companies producing, moving, or selling tobacco.

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ONS: Sharp Decline in Percentage of Young People Buying Cigarettes from Shops

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has welcomed figures released today by the Office of National Statistics which show a decline in the percentage of young people that get cigarettes from retailers.

The report published by ONS and the NHS, looks at the prevalence of smoking, drinking and drug use among young people (school pupils aged 11 to 15).

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ACS Gives Evidence to Environmental Audit Committee on Issues with Deposit Return Scheme

ACS has given evidence to the Environmental Audit Committee, raising concerns about the practicality, cost and effectiveness of a deposit return scheme in the UK.

The Committee are considering ways to reduce littering and increase plastic bottle recycling rates from the current rate of 74%.  The hearing included looking at the way that products are manufactured, the current recycling infrastructure, and Deposit Return Schemes that have been implemented in other countries with mixed results.

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ACS: Urgent Action Needed in Budget to Mitigate Impact of 2018 Rates Increase

ACS has reiterated its calls to the Chancellor to make the business rates system fairer in his first Autumn Budget on November 22nd.

The call comes as the Retail Prices Index for September 2017, which determines the level of the business rates increase for the following year, has reached 3.9%, which is the highest September rate since 2011.  

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High Streets Minister Outlines Support for Local Shops at Heart of the Community Conference

High Streets Minister Jake Berry will set out the Government’s plans to support local shops in an address to the annual ACS Heart of the Community Conference in London today (Tuesday).

The conference, held at Church House in Westminster on October 17th, features a range of speakers who shared their experiences of engaging in their communities, both with customers and local decision makers, and the benefit that local engagement has had on their businesses.

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