Press Releases

ACS: Forecourt Stores Investing to Transform Food Offer

New research from the Association of Convenience Stores has shown the essential contribution that the UK's petrol forecourts make to the economy, to working people, and to communities. 

The 2017 Forecourt Report highlights the continuing evolution of forecourts as both retailers and service providers, with stores often leading the rest of the convenience sector in key growth areas like food to go, coffee and technology in-store. 

Key findings from the report include: 

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New Track and Trace Proposals Could Impose Significant Burden on Convenience Sector

ACS has raised concerns about the costs and administrative burdens that new ‘Track and Trace’ proposals on tobacco could have on the convenience sector.

The EU Revised Tobacco Products Directive aims to introduce a method of tracking the sale of legitimate tobacco products through the supply chain. Up to this point, the Directive has stated that they would only affect the ‘last economic operator before the first retail outlet’ but the latest draft of the regulations includes a number of demands on retailers purchasing tobacco from a wholesaler.

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ACS Urges Government to Consider Retail Impact of Deposit Return Schemes

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has responded to Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Michael Gove’s announcement of a new call for evidence on bottle deposit return schemes, urging the Government to consider the negative impact that such schemes would have on the convenience sector.

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ACS Highlights Problems with Deposit Return Schemes at Labour Conference

Bottle deposit return schemes would impose significant time and cost burdens on convenience store retailers and their staff, according to evidence presented by ACS at the Labour Party Conference this week.

At a fringe event hosted by the British Soft Drinks Association on Monday evening, ACS detailed the issues that would be faced by retailers if they were forced to be part of a bottle deposit return scheme.

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ACS Calls for Urgent Reform of Business Rates ahead of 2017 Budget

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has called on the Government to implement a series of measures on business rates, employment costs and duty rates to help local shops and other small businesses.

In its submission ahead of the Chancellor’s first Autumn Budget on 22nd November, ACS has reiterated its calls for an overhaul of the business rates system, with urgent attention required to allow businesses to appeal their rates.

The submission calls for:

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Local Government Minister Intervenes to Speed up Allocation of Rate Relief

ACS has welcomed Local Government Minister Marcus Jones’ intervention to speed up the process of rebilling businesses that are waiting for rate relief.

In a Commons statement, he said: “The Government has been consistently clear that it expects local authorities to make rapid progress in helping business by implementing these relief schemes.

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ACS to Submit Evidence to Inquiry on Bottle Recycling

The Environmental Audit Committee has relaunched its inquiry into disposable coffee cups and plastic bottles, looking at ways to reduce the level of waste created by those products. 

ACS has reiterated its concerns about a possible deposit return scheme for bottles and cans, outlining the problems that a scheme would cause for retailers and urging the Government to focus on effective measures to increase recycling rates.

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Lords Raise Concerns over ‘Excessive’ Check, Challenge, Appeal Requirements

ACS has welcomed comments from the Earl of Lytton in a House of Lords debate on the government’s Check, Challenge, Appeal system for business rates appeals.

During the debate, the Earl raised concerns about the processes that businesses had to go through just to access the check, challenge, appeal system, suggesting that they were ‘excessive and intrusive’.

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High Streets Minister Confirmed for Heart of the Community 2017

ACS is delighted to announce that High Streets Minister Jake Berry MP will address retailers at the 2017 Heart of the Community Conference in October.

Jake Berry was appointed Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department of Communities and Local Government on 14th June after retaining his Rossendale and Darwen seat in the 2017 General Election. His responsibilities include local growth policies, Local Enterprise Partnerships, community rights and high streets.

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