Press Releases

Sunday Trading Plans Complicated, Harmful and Unnecessary

Local shops have condemned Government plans to give major towns and cities the power to remove Sunday Trading regulations, warning that the move will be complicated, ineffective at increasing trade on the high street and would threaten the livelihoods of convenience store owners.

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Convenience Sector Invests £177m over Last Three Months

New figures released today by the Association of Convenience Stores have shown that convenience retailers have invested £177m in their businesses in the period between February and May 2015.

Overall, more than one in four stores (28%) surveyed said that they were planning to invest in their store, an increase on both 2014 (24%) and 2013 (21%).

Regionally, more stores are planning to make investments in the South West of England than anywhere else in the UK (35% making some investment), while the lowest levels were found in the North West with 22% making investments.

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ACS Calls for Extended Primary Authority Scheme in Scotland

ACS has called for the development of Primary Authority partnerships in Scotland and for the inclusion of trade associations so small businesses can be fit too in response to a Scottish Government consultation on the scope of the schemes.

In its response to the consultation, ACS has highlighted the success of existing Primary Authority partnerships administered by trade associations in England and Wales, including ACS’ own Primary Authority Assured Advice scheme, and called for the same provisions to be made in Scotland.

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ACS and SGF Call for Simpler Alcohol Licensing Rules in Scotland

The Scottish Grocers’ Federation and the Association of Convenience have today (24th June) submitted a joint response to the Scottish Parliament Health Committee’s call for evidence on the new Alcohol (Licensing, Public Health and Criminal Justice) (Scotland) Bill.

The response opposes the provisions contained in the Bill to impose further restrictions on the advertising and promotion of alcohol and to encourage Licensing Boards to make greater use of bottle marking schemes.

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ACS Elects Two New Members to Board

The Association of Convenience Stores is delighted to announce that Manchester retailer Paul Stone and Andy Cresswell (Deputy Chief Executive – Trading, Midcounties Co-operative)  have been elected to the Board of Directors as of this morning (17th June 2015).

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Scottish Grocers’ Federation and Association of Convenience Stores Oppose Bottle Return Scheme

The trade associations have today (17th June) submitted a joint response to the call for evidence from Scottish environment agency Zero Waste Scotland (ZWS) on the feasibility of implementing a Deposit and Return Scheme (DRS) in Scotland. The deposit and return scheme is aimed at increasing recycling rates and reducing litter by encouraging consumers to return empty containers to retail outlets.

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