Press Releases

ACS Warns of Impact of Above Inflation Minimum Wage Increase

ACS has warned that the above inflation 3% increase in the adult National Minimum Wage to £6.70 will have a negative impact on staffing and investment levels in the convenience sector.

ACS chief executive James Lowman said: “We are disappointed with the increase in the National Minimum Wage above inflation, above average earnings growth, and above public sector pay award levels. Our research has clearly shown that retailers have little choice but to reduce staff hours and delay further business investment when the minimum wage is increased.

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ACS Calls for High Street Support In Rates Review

ACS has responded to the Government’s launch of a fundamental review of business rates, calling for greater support for small businesses and high streets.

ACS chief executive James Lowman said: "We welcome this overdue review, and we are pleased that it will take a look at radical options for reforming the outdated business rates system. The review must deliver help for high streets, be simpler than the current system, and offer incentives for investment rather than penalising businesses which improve their premises."

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MPs and ACS Call for Universal Carrier Bag Charge

MPs have spoken out against Government plans to exclude small businesses from the 5p carrier bag charge in a parliamentary debate this morning (10th March).

In the debate, Dan Rogerson MP refused to acknowledge the concerns raised by both MPs and business groups, making no comment on the widespread support for a universal carrier bag charge.

ACS has called for all businesses to be included in the ban to ensure consistency for retailers and consumers alike. Under Government plans, businesses with fewer than 250 employees will be exempt from the ban.

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Home Affairs Select Committee Slams Out of Court Disposals

The Home Affairs select committee have criticised police use of out-of-court disposals, stating they are used inappropriately in up to 30% of cases.

In a report published today, the committee raised concerns that persistent and serious offences were being dealt with through out-of-court disposals when they ought to have been prosecuted at court. ACS research has shown that 1 in 4 shop thieves are repeat offenders, contributing to a £35m annual loss to the sector.

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Lords Committee Fails to Address Duty Fraud in EU Alcohol Strategy Report

The House of Lords European Union Committee have failed to acknowledge action against duty fraud in their recommendations on the future of the EU Alcohol Strategy.

In the report, the Committee acknowledges that alcohol duty fraud costs the Exchequer £1.3bn annually, but falls short of making any specific recommendations to tackle the problem.

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Convenience Retailers Winning Battle Against Shop Thieves

Convenience stores are fighting back against shop thieves by investing millions in crime prevention measures in their shops.

Over the last three years, the percentage of retailers who have been victims of shop theft has fallen from 91% in 2012 to 74% in 2014. The cost of shop theft to the convenience sector has also dropped significantly over the last year from £44m to £35m a year.

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Policy Exchange Report Claims Shop Theft Has Been 'Decriminalised'

A report released today by the influential think tank Policy Exchange has suggested that shop theft has been 'decriminalised' because of a weak response from courts and police.

ACS chief executive James Lowman said: "Shop theft is one of the biggest operational challenges retailers face and it's frustrating when we see repeat offenders getting away with fines. The only way to tackle shop theft effectively is by encouraging police and retailers to work closely together and prevent reoffending with tougher sanctions for repeat shop thieves."

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Trade Associations Unite to Publish Advice for Retailers About High Strength Alcohol Schemes

Two of the UKs leading trade associations have joined forces to produce new guidance for retailers on schemes run by local authorities that aim to voluntarily remove high strength alcohol from sale. The Association of Convenience Stores and the Wine and Spirit Trade Association have developed the advice following concerns raised about the approach of the so called “Reducing the Strength” initiatives across the UK.

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ACS Responds to National Minimum Wage Recommended Rise to £6.70

The Low Pay Commission, the body which advises the government on minimum wage, has recommended an increase to the current national minimum wage by 3% from £6.50 to £6.70. The increase, if accepted by the government, would come into effect in October 2015.

ACS chief executive, James Lowman, said: “With inflation running at 0.5% and many prices in store going down, this cost increase will be another challenge for convenience stores particularly for those trying to take on more staff and grow their business.

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