Press Releases

Healthy Start to Include More Products from October

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) is welcoming the inclusion of additional products to the Healthy Start scheme in England and Wales from October.

Healthy Start is a government initiative which provides pregnant women and parents with young children, who are in receipt of qualifying benefits, Healthy Start vouchers which can be used to purchase certain products in store.

The items currently in the scope of the scheme in England, Wales and Northern Ireland include: fresh and frozen fruit and vegetables, cow’s milk and infant formula suitable for use from birth.

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ACS Welcomes Clarification on Face Coverings for In-Store Colleagues

ACS  has welcomed additional details confirmed by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) today on the new requirements for colleagues to wear a face covering.

From today (24th September), face coverings must be worn by colleagues as well as customers in shops. A key exemption for colleagues however is detailed in the below guidance:

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ACS Welcomes Extension to Ban on Business Evictions

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has welcomed the extension of the ban on business evictions to the end of the year, as announced by Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick.

The initial ban on evictions was introduced at the start of the pandemic to protect struggling firms, such as restaurants and retailers, from being evicted to the premises and was due to expire at the end of September.

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Sentencing Guidelines Must Recognise Growing Problem of Shopworker Violence

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has submitted evidence to the Sentencing Council’s consultation on revised guidelines for assault offences, calling for sentencing guidelines to do more to address violence against shopworkers, and for penalties to better reflect both the physical and psychological impact on victims.

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Launch Date Confirmed for NHS Covid-19 Contact Tracing App

The NHS Covid-19 contact tracing app is due to be launched on 24th September as part of the coronavirus testing and contact tracing programmes in England and Wales.

The app will be used, alongside traditional methods of contact tracing, to help prevent the spread of coronavirus by notifying users when they come into contact with someone who later tests positive for coronavirus and providing them with advice on what to do next.

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ACS Responds to Post Covid Tax Inquiry

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has responded to the House of Commons Treasury Select Committee on the implications of Covid-19 on tax policy.

The House of Commons Treasury Select Committee launched an inquiry calling for views on whether the Government’s economic response to the pandemic should be reflected in changes to taxation.

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ACS: New Guidance on Retailers’ Legal Responsibility to Disabled Customers

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) is promoting new guidance for retailers developed by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) on meeting legal requirements towards disabled customers.

The guidance outlines reasonable adjustments for retailers to consider in order to support disabled customers visiting their store, including:

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Local Shops Welcome Long Awaited Plastic Bag Charge Extension

ACS has welcomed the extension of the plastic bag charge to include all retailers.

From April 2021 in England, the new minimum charge of 10p will apply to plastic bags in all stores regardless of the size of the business. Currently the charge is set at 5p, and only applies in stores with more than 250 employees. Wales and Scotland both have universal charging schemes.

ACS has been calling for the charge to be universal in England since before its introduction in 2015, citing the success of existing universal schemes in Wales and Scotland.

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ACS Supports Petition to Protect Shopworkers from Violence and Abuse

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) is supporting Usdaw’s petition calling on the Government to introduce legislation to protect shopworkers from violence and abuse.

Launched today (19th August) the House of Commons petition ‘Protect Retail Workers from Abuse, Threats and Violence’, urges the Government to introduce legislation to create a specific offence for abusing, threatening, or assaulting a retail worker.

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