Press Releases

ACS: Government Set to Ban HFSS Promotions and Restrict Siting

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has responded to speculation on the Prime Minister’s plans to ban promotions of unhealthy products and restrict where these products can be sited in store.

It has been suggested that the Government is planning to prevent shops from offering promotions on targeted products and a ban is also expected on sweets and chocolates promoted at the end of supermarket aisles and entrances.

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Convenience Stores to Benefit from VAT Cut and Pavement Licensing

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has welcomed the inclusion of certain food and drink sales in the reduced rate of VAT announced by the Chancellor in his summer statement yesterday, and confirmation that convenience stores can go through the same process as other businesses to get licences for seating outside their store.

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Urgent Action Still Needed on Violence Against Shopworkers

The Home Office have published its response to the call for evidence on violence towards shopworkers over a year after it closed, claiming that no changes to the law are necessary to deter those who commit thousands of incidents of threats, violence and abuse against people working in retail.

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Local Shops Call on Chancellor to Provide Support on Business Rates and VAT in Summer Statement

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has called on the Chancellor to use his summer statement to help local shops invest in their businesses in the future.

While the statement, due to be given by Chancellor Rishi Sunak on Wednesday (July 8th) is not intended to be a major fiscal event, there are still measures that the Government can introduce now that would support convenience stores in the coming months.

Measures recommended by ACS include:

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Lords Committee Calls for Action on Healthy Start and Free School Meal Vouchers

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has responded to the publication of a new report from a House of Lords Committee, highlighting the important role of the convenience sector in providing healthy options for local people and encouraging Government to make it easier for stores to be involved with programmes like Healthy Start and free school meal vouchers.

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CMA and Trade Bodies Highlight Price Gouging Concerns in Joint Statement

Today (3rd July) the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) issued a joint statement alongside a number of trade bodies, including ACS, highlighting concerns about a small number of businesses that are involved in price gouging. Evidence received as part of the taskforce revealed price increases on products such as paracetamol, flour, meat, toilet roll, rice and eggs.

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Rural Communities Continue to be Hardest Hit by Lack of Access to Cash

Today (30th June) the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) published more information about their work on mapping access to cash to help identify ‘cold spots’.

The FCA and PSR have worked with other regulators to create a single database of the UK’s cash access points. Analysis of additional ONS information has showed that the majority of cold spots were in rural areas.

Findings from the 2020 Rural Shop Report revealed that 45% of rural shops provide a free to use cash machine for local customers.

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Scottish Committee Approves Principles of ‘Protection of Workers Bill’

The Scottish Parliament Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee has unanimously approved the general principles of a Bill which aims to increase protection for shopworkers. The Bill must now be agreed by MSPs and pass two further stages at Holyrood before it becomes law.

The ‘Protection of Workers Bill’ aims to increase protection for retail workers by:

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