Press Releases

ACS: Local Shops Commit to Encouraging Healthy Eating in Communities

Today (29th July) part one of the National Food Strategy was published, outlining a number of recommendations to Government to mitigate the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the food system and to encourage healthy eating from an early age.

One of the areas explored in the report is the role of national schemes in providing children with a ‘nutritional safety net’, including Healthy Start.

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ACS: Obesity Strategy Must Consider Impact on Local Shops

Today (27th July) the Government announced plans to ban ‘buy one get one free’ promotions and restrict the siting of high fat, salt and sugar (HFSS) products as part of its national strategy for tackling obesity.

The strategy outlines measures, some of which have previously been consulted on and introduces new measures in light of the links between obesity and Covid-19 deaths.

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ACS: Book Now for Summit20 and the Local Shop Report Launch!

Book your place as ACS’ unmissable annual conference taking place on 9th September 2020.

Summit20 will be taking place as a virtual immersive event with three main sessions:

1. Leading experts talking about the future of the industry, asking how we can support colleagues working in stores, and what the food offer of the future looks like. Confirmed speakers addressing these issues in the context of an industry changed by the Covid crisis include:

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Under 25? You May be Asked to Remove Face Coverings to Check Your Age

Retailers have issued a plea to customers look under 25 to work with them to check their age by removing their face coverings when buying age restricted products, such as alcohol and tobacco.

The Retail of Alcohol Standards Group (RASG) has today issued a new poster alerting customers that look under 25 that they may be asked to remove their face coverings to help check their age. The new poster has been issued in response to new government regulations requiring the mandatory use of face coverings in retail stores from Friday 24th July.

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ACS: Business Rates Reform Must Encourage Retailers to Invest

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has welcomed the publication of the long-awaited call for evidence on reform of the business rates system.

The call for evidence, which will be open to submissions until 31st October, considers several areas of the business rates system and calls for views on how the system can be reformed, including whether:

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ACS Launches New Poster to Help Retailers Communicate Face Covering Exemptions

ACS has launched a new poster for retailers to help communicate the new rules on face coverings that come into force later this week.

From Friday July 24th, wearing a face covering will be compulsory in shops in England. The rules do not extend to colleagues in stores, although the Government strongly recommends that colleagues wear a face covering where possible.

There are a number of exemptions for people who are not able to wear a face covering, which are detailed on the poster. These include:

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ACS: Action Needed to Secure Long-Term Access to Cash

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has welcomed an update from the Joint Authorities Cash Strategy (JACS) Group on safeguarding the UK’s cash infrastructure, highlighting the importance of cash to businesses and consumers.

The Joint Authorities Cash Strategy (JACS) Group brings together the Bank of England, Payments Systems Regulator (PSR) and Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to ensure comprehensive oversight of the overall cash infrastructure across the UK.

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Temporary VAT Cut on Eat-In and Takeaway Food Now in Effect

From today (15th July) the rate of VAT on eat-in or hot takeaway food has been cut from 20% to 5% until 12th January 2021.

The temporary VAT cut was announced as part of the Summer Statement as an urgent response to the coronavirus pandemic as part of the effort to support businesses impacted by forced closures and social distancing measures.

Last week, ACS received clarification that any vendor providing food and drink for consumption on the premises, or hot takeaway food or drinks are eligible for the reduced rate, including local shops.

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Trade Bodies Raise Newspaper Supply Chain Concerns to Minister

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) and NFRN (the Federation of Independent Retailers) raised concerns about the future of the newspaper supply chain in a joint letter to the Minister of State for Media and Data, John Whittingdale MP.

Recently, newspaper publishers and wholesaler representatives called for a competition wavier to bring the industry together to discuss the future of the supply chain. The Covid crisis has changed many dynamics in the news industry, which presents an opportunity for the industry to think about its future.

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