Press Releases

ACS Unveils New Communications Team

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores), the trade association representing over 33,500 local shops, has announced two new appointments as part of a restructure of its public affairs and communications team

Edward Woodall has been appointed as Head of Policy and Public Affairs and will lead ACS work across a portfolio of high profile issues. Ed has worked for ACS for five years, successfully leading ACS interventions in the high streets debate, Sunday Trading and crime policy. Ed has also overseen the significant growth in ACS public affairs profile.

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Local Shops Concerned over Future of Staff Hours ahead of Minimum Wage Hike

UK convenience store retailers have invested more in their staff over the last three months than at any time since the start of 2012, according to new research from the Association of Convenience Stores.

Research conducted by ACS has shown that for the first time since the start of the Voice of Local Shops Survey, there are more retailers that have increased the number of staff hours in their business than those who have decreased hours. In addition, the business performance of convenience stores is at its highest ever level in the survey’s history.

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Low Pay Commission Urged to Consider Harm to Small Shops from Minimum Wage Rises

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has submitted evidence to the Low Pay Commission, calling on the commission to carefully assess the impact of the rate rise on small retailers.

In its submission, ACS notes that according to a survey of retailers, increases in the minimum wage correlate with a negative effect on business competitiveness. 56% of retailers stated that NMW rises have made their business less competitive.

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Politicians Must Not Undermine Low Pay Commission on Minimum Wage

Local shops have responded to recent announcements on the minimum wage, calling for politicians not to undermine the decision making process of the Low Pay Commission.

At the Labour Party’s annual conference, Mr Miliband pledged that the minimum wage would rise to £8.00 an hour by 2020. The current minimum wage rate is due to rise to £6.50 next month.

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MPs Raise Concerns About Effectiveness of Town Centre First Policy

MPs have raised question about the effectiveness of the planning system to direct new retail investment in town centres during an oral evidence session on the National Planning Policy Framework.  John Pugh MP for Southport and member of the Communities and Local Government Selection Committee referenced ACS’ (the Association of Convenience Stores) report ‘Retail Planning Decision Under the NPPF’ during the evidence session.

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ACS Unveils 2014 Local Shop Report

The 2014 Local Shop Report has revealed the vital contribution that local shops make to the UK economy and the investment in services that continues to drive growth in the sector.

Published today, the report offers brand new information about the diverse range of services that stores offer to their communities as well as key information about the entrepreneurs that run stores, their staff and the market as a whole.

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Lowman: Sunday Trading Regulations an 'Enduring Compromise'

ACS Chief Executive James Lowman has appeared on BBC radio and television to discuss the retention of current Sunday Trading regulations.

Speaking on Radio 5 Live and BBC Breakfast this morning on the 20 year anniversary of the introduction of the Sunday trading rules, Mr Lowman spoke of the important compromise that balances economic, social and cultural considerations.

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ACS Welcomes HMRC Pledge to Work With Licensing Authorities

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has welcomed a new crackdown on the illicit trade in tobacco and alcohol announced by HM Revenue and Customs.

ACS Chief Executive James Lowman said: “We believe that any retailer who sells non-duty paid alcohol or tobacco should be subject to the full force of the law. This new wave of activity from HMRC is a welcome sign, and their commitment to working with licensing authorities gives hope that more retailers selling illicit alcohol and tobacco will lose their licence.”

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